Uh, GS... That's the name of the restaurant.
^ this
This is a playlist of all the episodes of MLP:FiM, in order, compiled by darksaber64x in 1080p. Enjoy! =D http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEF7C6B22A07AD3A9
Sorry, Jayn, I won't be able to record in time. The only time I had is the weekend and I'm gonna be pretty busy. You can go ahead and take me off the list.
Youtube, my friend.
Come to the herd, fellow Brony. http://www.kh-vids.net/group.php?groupid=1096
"You never liked me! You always liked Yahoo better!"
Eeyup .
Well, since everyone's doing it, it'd just seem out of place to do non-random draw. Plus, nobody but you, Terra, and Jesse acknowledged me coming...
The arena just doesn't seem fun to me anymore. Plus, it's pretty much all gone to random draw now, and, seeing as I don't have a deck or the money...
Sorry, Jaden, but I just don't really feel in the dueling spirit. I'll try to finish it to the best of my ability. But it'll probably be my last.
I probably won't have time, but I'll try to make time for this. =) I would like to claim the lines: And tore me to pieces. And threw every piece into a fire. As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you! Now these points of data make a beautiful line. And we're out of beta. We're releasing on time. And when you're dead I will be still alive.
Do nothing. You never mentioned ever being able to UNfreeze time, so you would be locking the entire universe in the same time period forever, while you live out your days alone and die. If the lock breaks when you die, then you will have lived the rest of your life in less than a second.
Bastion kinda dropped off the face of the earth. He just left without a trace. Youtube, KHV, his forum, everywhere, all at the same time. He's not...
Unfortunately not. Shame. She was a pretty cool girl.
You got a Six Sam deck? Lucky. Six Samurai is my favorite archetype.
I don't have any money to make a new one. And the only cards I've found in my house are Amazoness Blowpiper, Earl of Demise, and Great Moth. Plus,...
Have you tried 1111? No, you're not replaced. Things have been a bit slow, though. And it's mostly been random draw duels, which makes me feel...