Try me.
Fine. Also, would this pic be OK? Spoiler And could you put me down for We must be swift as the coursing river *prays that he is not ninja'd again*
Edited my post because I was ninja'd.
I think I'll have time to record. I would like to reserve: You're a spineless, pale pathetic lot And you haven't got a clue... You're unsuited for the rage of war So pack up, go home you're through Say good-bye to those who knew me --- I'll edit with a pic later. EDIT: Dammit, Ninja'd. Oh well. Put me down for... [Hope he doesn't see right through me!] Still looking for a pic...
I believe you're either thinking of Davros or Dalek Kaan.
Weren't you paying attention? His name is "Lookintomyeye". But, seriously, part of me wants to learn his name, but, then, another part of me doesn't, because then that would spoil the mystery.
Spoiler Bidding starts at $10000.
I'll have to go with Simple and Clean. Hopefully I'll find the time to record. Suggestion:
Sorry, I only accept candy. From strangers. In white vans. With no windows.
It wasn't technically a cosplay, but, for my school's spirit week, Wednesday was Cowboys and Aliens day, so I dressed up as The Doctor as he appeared in the episode of Doctor Who titled The Eleventh Hour. It's pretty much just regular clothes. Spoiler
Does the Minecraft server work on 1.9 Prerelease 2?
Is the server up right now?
You mean the love-child of Slenderman and a Weeping Angel?
This guy.
I believe Hasbro and the rest of the team said that they don't plan on removing them from YouTube. They see it as free advertising. Also, I just want to say that this show truly is magical. Most cartoons these days usually disgust me, but when I started watching, I was started thinking "You know... maybe there IS still some hope."
Look down. Back up again. The ducks are now DIAMONDS!
The Sound of Drums - Chameleon Circuit
Russia, Canada, and most other countries close to one of the poles beg to differ.
No. Don't you dare bring that vile video in here.