I agree, it was kind of a bad example. It was just the first that came to my mind. And, I guess you're right. It could just not be genuine hatred and could just be teenage angst... OK, here's a kinda sort of possibly not really better example. Say you're a guy who's friends constantly say that he really loves a girl. He denies it adamantly, not only to his friends, but to himself. Deep down, he really cares for her, but he doesn't even consider the thought. Not even a little bit. And, one day, he finds out that she's moving away (let's say across the country) tomorrow. He catches up with her, confesses that he loves her, blah blah blah. All these examples sound a lot better in my head than when I actually post them. :/
I'm actually 1103.
Yeah, seriously. xD
This is just a little something that came to mind during the random times in which I talk to myself. Is it possible that a lot of your own feelings are hidden from you? I know you can hide them from others, but can they be hidden from you, and not reveal themselves until the need arises? It seems kinda weird, as we usually think that we know how we feel about someone or something. Think about this scenario: You and your parents are walking down the street, minding your own business. You've had a few, for lack of a better word, "arguments" with your parents over the years, and there's somewhat of an emotional gap between you and them, possibly even going as far as to say you hate them. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car comes speeding down the road, right at your parents. And then, despite your supposed hatred towards them, you instantly push them out of the way without giving a second thought and take the hit, risking your life. In this situation, you think that you hate your parents until their lives are at risk, and you find out that you actually love them and react to save them. Thoughts, KHV?
Well, if a situation in which you could risk your life for someone arises, you probably wouldn't really get the opportunity to decide and you would just go with your gut instinct, and that's what reveals whether you would do it or not, since, with thinking comes hesitation. With instinct, you just go with it. Now, I, personally, don't know. I guess it depends on the situation. Like, if I could somehow save what I would die for, along with myself, I would try to save me, too. But, if I couldn't, then it depends on what it's for. Most likely, it'd be a person. If it were someone I love, I might try. I might hesitate, too. I honestly don't know.
Oh. Sorry. Well, nothing really changes how much each heals, I think. I believe, in KH2, Cure heals 1/3 of your health, Cura heals 2/3, and Curaga heals completely.
MP is actually shows how much magic can be cast before it has to be recharged. It's been a while since I've played, but let's say Fire uses 10 MP per use, and you have 100 MP to start with. If you cast Fire once, you have 90 MP left. Cast it again, then you have 80. So on and so forth.
Hard ?
It's OK. c:
Hey, just making sure, you got my part for the KHV chorus, right?
Just emailed you my part. c:
This. Plus, what makes people think that this was the hackers' first attempt? It could've taken them tons of tries, and months before this happened. I'm no hacker, but I'm sure it's not that easy to hack a company like Sony.
Mah boi, delicious steak is what ALL kings strive for!
It is glorious, ya?
That, and your post count is perfect.
Never post outside of the spam zone. Your post count is perfect.
Oh my god it's you
Just a heads up, I won't be able to get my part in until tomorrow night at the latest.