Jaden, what did we just say? Did the word "confidence" ever manage to be registered by your brain?
That's what I've been trying to tell him...
The text says "You cannot activate this card if multiple cards/effects with the same name are in that chain.". I think he's saying that you can activate a second Accumulated Fortune because the second one isn't in the chain until it's already been activated.
I think that you just need a confidence boost. Trust me. I know you're better than Fred.
I see Aqua...
I believe this is your reaction.
... But I'd have to charge...
Do you mean... Spoiler GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BA- *shot multiple times*
OK, whoever nominated me for all these negative categories in the KHV awards, why don't you just show yourself? Then, it might actually hurt me.
I'll go with FireballLexie.
Username: Nightskull154 House: Slytherin I find the whole Pottermore experience to be absolutely fantastic, save for a few things that kinda bug me. For one, I kinda want more interaction for each chapter. Just going through and clicking on items just doesn't really do it for me. As for the e-books, I don't think I'll get them, but I know my mom will. We have all the books, but my mom's kinda switching over to her Nook more often.
[X] Let Snow hide, readying your knife or crowbar. (Please specify which) My guess: this whole story is an RPG, and Snow is our party's mage.
Spoiler When Voldemort went to go kill Harry when he was a child, Lily's love for Harry protected him and deflected Voldy's curse back at himself, killing himself, and accidentally making Harry a horcrux. This resulted in Harry's scar, his and Voldemort's psychic connection, and Harry speaking Parseltounge. When Voldemort finally killed Harry, he really only killed the Horcrux side of Harry, making Voldemort completely mortal. Harry, still being alive, killed Voldemort, and they all lived happily ever after.