This movie scared the hell out of me the first time I saw it. I saw it again a few months ago and thought it was really good. :) This would not fit with Sora. Riku maybe, but Sora would ruin the entire beauty of the movie.
Wow, is that how you know all your Japanese history? That is really sad.
Where'd you get "burned" from? o_o
I will rage if she uses her emotions as powers.
Oh. Then I think you're right then. ._.' . I still kicked your ass in math though. And you kicked mine in writing. Anyway, I feel strange that in 7th grade I did better than like 70% of seniors passing the test in math. If I take it again, I swear I can get above a 750, having learned all the stuff I didn't know last time. My writing probaly won't be good. xD
Even with internet, it's insane. I got like 380 something before I just said "Screw it, I'd rather play Trauma Center".
Bullshit, you got 550 on math. I got the 610 in math. I got like 510 something in writing though. I thought the questions were ******ed. (We both got 6s on the eassy) Always guess. Mathematically, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
inb4 shoop da woop.
and after an intense series of tests, the doctor solemnly tells the man "I have bad news and even worse news" The man says "All right, what's the bad news?" The doctor responds, "You are going to die in 24 hours." The man is stunned. "That's horrible. What am I going to do for those 24 hours? It's too much for me how to decide." The doctor says "Well, that's the worse news. I forgot to call you yesterday."
And people who don't speak English.
Oh, alright then. Good timing on my part. You may lock this thread.
Well... I think Xemnas could forsee that Sora could take Marluxia on. He did, after all, actually fight him in KHFM. It could have also been him that landed Sora and pals right by Castle Oblivion, being entirely in his power to do so. Good question though.
I see three people and no posts since yesterday night. What's happening?
*hums This is Halloween Town* Wow. Where are they getting these ideas from? Let's hope for more video-game/movie blends. Well, not video games based on movies (bleh), but more like this. I would go to see Mario Matrix. :sleep:
Err, well, your name is "Anti" Weapon, yet you gave anti-form two friggin' keyblades, nearly gave me a seizure when you hacked five Roxas (5*2=10), and have basically given every form two keyblades regardless. So yah, your name at least contradicts your actions. <_<