Err, I don't know. For being Zeonark?
Hmm, this depends on the playthrough. If you're talking about the first one, then Xaldin was probaly the hardest. That boss was designed specifically to own people pussying out on easy mode. By the time I got to Sephiroth, I was much better at the game. Easiest, on that note, would probaly be the two lords. Those were easy as hell. Right now, on my proud mode game, I think Expirement gave me the most trouble. That is a boss you really need growth abilities, and one that could really use dodge roll, and good dodging skills. Otherwise, you'll get owned. Easiest was probaly Axel. Yes, it's in the beginning, and it's with Dual-Wield Roxas, but it's still the easiest. Honorable mention goes to Scar for favorite fight. I don't know why, it's just fun. ^_^
I generally go to a quiet place and do a mediation excersise, which helps a ton, but if I can't do that, I also do perfect squares and cubes. Or I'll keep doubling numbers, which is just a brain busting as going up squares.
no, u canz haz. (And I'm aware God just killed a lolcat)
zero is an awesome number.
Friday I'm in love- The Cure I had this random urge to listen to it. >_>
Spam Zone srs bns. Just because someone else does it for a while, doesn't mean when you pick up on it it'll get the same response. If I posted the Why So Srs Cat pick, it wouldn't get the same response as if I had been the first one to post it on the internet. (I have no idea what this is about, just what I've seen on this thread.)
Of course not. He's simply showing a picture of a baby holding a finger. What is wrong with you?
Signing up as Saix. Honestly, I hate the name, but at the time it was open (my sister alerted me), and I thought it would cool to have the name. Now I wish I was something else.
Who hasn't? But I'm just trying to envoke intelligent discussion on this pixlated image. Is that wrong?
Old picture is old.
Normally, any division by zero is undefined. 0/0, however, is a special case. We can define divison by zero as x/0=y. Alegbraically, x=y0, x=0. Which means this solution is defined at x=0. But, the One Property states that x/x=1. Which would imply that 0/0=1. It does not. It does have an alegbric solution, but the answer has not be found yet. Therefore, it's intermediate. What's the Base? If the base is above 2, then it's 2. Otherwise, I don't know untill you give me the definate base.
Someone give me a math problem.
Oh no. Those computers are five years old. Just that mines older. =/
Yep. Oh, and it's the only computer we have atm. My computers corrupted, Rosey's broke, and my dad's was broken by Rosey.
1. The school computers run faster than it. 2. It takes 5 seconds to load google. 3. Can't have Flash CS3 on it. 4. 512 RAM. 5. It lags when I play youtube and flash at the same time. 6. THE MOTHER FUCKING SCHOOL COMPUTERS RUN FASTER THAN IT.
We had 8 inches on the road once, but did our principal close the school? Nooooooo....
Never mind from the school, what about his girlfriend. o_o I'll admit that was fairly halirous.