Well, now that I actually saw a post of yours, I kinda guessed it was you, but you never told me. =(
Wait, what? She changed her name? No wonder I've thought she hasn't been on lately.
And who is this wonderful wizard of Oz you speak of?
Has never actually laughed out loud at a picuture of a lolcat. Or ever looked at the title. Or ever, even in slightest, think about buying it. Or thinking about it in general.
INDEED ddddddddd
Lmao. I was totally expecting the Spam Zone god to catch that first.
Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me. The carriage held, but just oursleves, And Immortality. We slowly drove, he knew no haste, For I had put away, My labor, and my leisure too, for his civility. We passed the school, where children played, at recess, in the ring. We past the aburn fields of grain, we past the setting sun. Or rather, he passed us, Damn it, can never past this part. No, I'm not Emo. I have to present this poem to my English teacher. My question is, I have to have relevant emotion to it, but I can't decide my tone. Should it be casual, light, a bit weary, what?
But like 2^x as x approches Infinity, it gets so infimestial and small no one really gives a crap it's still around.
My day: Depressed all day. Still have no motivation to do my big history project due Thursday.
Even the girls? o_o
I know where this monster would lurk.
WHY ARE WE TALKING IN CAPS? EVEN IF WE ARE TALKING ABOUT BRAWL. Lower case c-c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker.
Why are there so many damn weight loss advertisments now? Everytime I come on, I always see two banners, each proclaiming how to lose body fat, one of which has the title "One old rule: Obey", and the other has something like "I lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks". Holy shit, really? I hope you realize how unhealthy that is. And it's not just here, it's like almost every banner I see now. Is anyone else expiriencing this now?
You take Latin? HAHAHA nerd. =) Well, I took Latin as well. For four years. And I don't remember **** other than "Cornelia es puella Romana" and "Davus quero verbare servi".
True, but if it had been you it would've been Spam Zone god. Even I know that. >_>
Two Black and White Fetuses Under a Very Thin Hill? Got a great review from IGN.