In my world they are. Just like everything else is true. EVERYTHING I THINK IS TRUE! *sucks thumb*
Wait, how is Bush obese?
I'm serious. Look closlier at the food the Disciples are eating. It is fish. And what fish is it? Historical witnesses claimed to see that John proclaimed "FUCK YEAH, SEAKING" on a previous fishing trip. Because the fish was not present the meal any of the disciples had prior or after the Last Supper, the fish present must be Seaking. Now, consider this, what do Modern day Christians do in revering Jesus? They eat him, in his Flesh and Blood. Therefore, Jesus and the disciples worshiped Seaking, and Seaking must be the true god. Don't believe me? The proof is right in front of you. Why does the Pope's hat look the way it is? It makes no sense, except to cover the horn a Seaking had, so people would not run. Indisputable.
Beat me to it, *******. =(
It is the true religion of Jesus Christ. All of the proof is in the picture of the Last Supper.
Fix'd. (Replaced all direct object nouns with Seaking)
You can't even do the censor by-pass trick with image URLs. =(
This thread is now about Seakingz.
Which is precisely why this thread will go absolutely nowhere. =)
I can already tell this thread will go absolutely nowhere. I've always found it a tad ironic that the belief that belief is false is a belief. And just like any good religion, it's divided itself into numerous sects (totally don't believe in god, doesn't believe there is any proof of god, but won't rule it out, not sure, etc.).
1000 Noboby Fight anyone? But seriously, that would be a really fun fight. I'm sure some stong reaction command with Riku would be neccesary, but really, that would be an awesome fight!
*Signs* I love loved that show when I was little. We'd watch it as a family; my 40 year old dad had a T-Shirt he'd wear every now and then. Fun times...
1 2 3 5 8 13 EDIT: Damn it. Too late.
Rule 34.
I want this game SO badly now.
I laughed harder than I should have.
I tucked your mother in last night. I ate your potato chip.... And take it!