I don't want to hear anymore!!!! LALALALALALALALAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
xD One of my friends is like that. She's constantly drawing.
.... No one could probly figure out when i drew something.. XD
Uhm.. Wow... Be terrible if a teacher found it... O_O;
:O That sucks
It's kinda cute. ^^ xD ... Whenever i don't like a drawing.. I half the time just throw them out
Ish not that bad! =D
Awww... I'm sorreh. ^^ Eh.. Nothin much up...
^^ O_O; xD I really really REALLYYYYY don't wanna know... *hides behind chair*
Hi everyone. ^^ I really don't wanna know what you all were talking about earlier... >_>
'Tis what I'm doing.. ^.^ So far... The story is like... 15 pages on Word... >.< The uodate i'm planning on doing is 2 pages. ^^
Nothin' really... Working on my KH fic that i haven't worked on in months.. XD Gotta PM CtR soon so i can ask if she'll unlock the thread for me.. ^^"
XD Soo.. What's up?
xD; Wow. This is one girl who may never talk to you again after that! jk.
Hehehehee. Exactly. :D Okay. Here we go: SoraXKairi RoxasXNamine AxelXLarxene ^^
*continues to talk* GET OUT OF THE EMO CORNER!
>.> NOOO!
Have you changed back yet? NOOO!!!! NOT THE TAMAKI SULK!!! >___< :O
Teheee. *runs away* XD .. I kept waking up last night
O.O Demi make pretty color schemes! :O xD Yeah ms! You've talked to us, and we're girls! But i guess it really doesn't count... And who knows about Demi... *points to her profile unless she changed it* O_o I'm tired.. I just got home from school... =.=