Hi fam! ^w^ Apparently.. Organization_XIII is dying or somethin.. (see teh WarriorClan thread) I'ma feel realleh bad for saying this if he really is... But earlier he had said stuff about a max fever and stuff... But like.. Isn't it weird that he was on the computer if he was supposed to be in the hospital? :sideways: On a random/happier note: I'm playing with my sister's iPod case... And my fingers are all sparkly now! xD
:O *gasp* YOU DON'T KNOW THE JAPANESE NAMES? xD ... I knew those after the 4Kids ones... But like... yeah.. xD YEAH. TEH EMO CORNER IS BAD!!!
:O NO! NO DREN! D: xD ... I can't remember what some of the 4Kids names were...
Mornin'! ^^ Oh yeah.. While i'm thinking about it... KISSHU!!!! :O
NOOO. SAINT!!!! T__T Have fun doing whatever else you're going to do with your life... T_T
^^ Okay.. See ya soon then. ^^
Sounds cool! ^^ I gotta do a fun AMV to get my mind off this one.. I KNOW!!! I'll work on KH Musical!!! :D ... XD ... It's Kairi's turn... And gosh... She gets mad easily.. 'cause the song she picked.. Well... xD ... She's made of gunpowder&lead... Put it that way.. xDD
xD Man... This AMV request is turning out to be pretty cruddy...And i'm not even at the 2nd verse yet... (Well.. Almost) D:
Ooooh. Have fun.
YES I AM... AND PROUD OF IT! :D I'm never gonna get sleep tonight.. xD
*too hyper/tired to resist glomping*
Good morning fam. ^^ I just got home from a church lock-in 'bout an hour ago... And it's like.. 9:30 in teh morning... X_X
I'm getting ready to go out to eat... Bye-bye. ^^
I'm confused.. *falls over*
:O Yeah.. 'cause i guess you're just cool like that... :P
*gasp* JOO ISH LATE! D:
Well.. I got home from school 'bout an hour or so ago...
JAP!!!! *hugs* Wow...
Hi fam! ^^ I JUST UPDATED KH:AS!!! :D xD ... For the first time in a heck of a while... ERGH. That 7-line sig limit is really bugging me!
ZOMG. UPDATE?! xD Wow it's been a long time... ._. Thank you CtR for unlocking teh thread for me! ^-^ Okay... It only took me so long... 'cause i'm a hugeeeee procrastinator.. And i usually start things and never finish them... ^^" I promise i'll try to update this as much as i possibly can! ^^ Thank you so much for the chapter suggestions, DF! They really helped finally cure my writers block! ^^ So... Here's the update! --------------------- Moments passed, and Takari really wasn’t watching the door like she was supposed to. She was watching Riku. Takari sighed as she turned away for a moment, thinking she had heard a noise. “Shouldn’t you be watching the door instead of me?†Riku said loud enough for Takari to hear. Takari’s eyes widened and she whirled around. “R-R-Riku… I thought you were asleep!†she said in a shy tone. Riku stood up and stretched his arms. “I was… But then I woke up.†He answered cockily. He yawned and heard something… Takari tried to apologize. “Sorry… Riku…†she stammered. She waited for an answer, but Riku seemed to be listening to something else…She listened. “Riku…?†she asked. She’d heard it too; the ground was shaking. The two looked at each other and nodded slightly at each other. They looked toward the door, expecting whatever was coming to enter through it. They waited. Takari saw something out the corner of her eye. She turned around, shocked. “But…How!?†There was the enemy; two Heart Catchers. They were different than the one’s from before, though. They looked more powerful and tricky than the little ones. “How’d they get in here?!†Takari asked in a stressed tone. The two had been guarding the door the whole time! “I don’t know…’’ Riku answered. “But I’m sure we can take them!!!†he added with a small smile. “Yeah..†Takari replied quietly. She looked around. There was only one of the creatures. Where did the other one go? She asked herself. She turned around in horror as one of the creatures had knocked Riku out. “Riku!!!!†She yelled and ran over to him. It was no use; he was out cold. Takari backed herself up against the wall. “How did they get here?!†she asked again, even though she knew there would be no answer. The two creatures moved closer towards Takari. She sighed. “Guess I’ll have to take care of you two by myself!†She looked over at Riku, who still lay motionless on the ground. This is for you, Riku. Slowly, Takari summoned her Keyblade. Moments later, the two Heart Catchers had disappeared. Takari took in a deep breath and sighed again. She looked up. “Riku!†she ran over to his side. “C’mon! Wake up!†Takari yelled in a frustrated voice. She started shaking him, hoping he would wake up. Riku stirred. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Takari. “Takari,†he said and then smirked, “You can get off me now.†“Huh? Oh…Sorry.†Takari blushed as she helped Riku stand up. She looked around and shivered. “Can we please just get out of here?" Riku nodded and started walking towards the entrance/exit. Takari followed slowly behind him. The two reached the exit. Takari’s eyes widened as she saw a huge pile of rocks blocking the way out. “It’s… Blocked off…†she sighed hopelessly. “What should we do?†Riku thought for a moment. “I guess we wait. I can’t blast through the rocks, that could make it worse!†“Okay…†Takari sighed and sat down on a rock. -Kairi’s House- Ami looked out the window of her new bedroom. It was late, but she just couldn’t sleep! She turned her head towards the direction of the island. Her eyes widened as she saw streaks of lightning. She bolted up from the bed. “Aw crud! A storm?!†Ami leaped out from the bed and ran towards Kairi’s room. “Kairi! Kairiiii! Wake up!†she yelled. Kairi groaned sleepily. “No Sora… I will not go to the beach with you…†Ami giggled into the palm of her hand. I guess Kairi talks in her sleep! Her face turned back to serious. “C’mon Kairi! Something’s up at the island!†Kairi opened her eyes and slowly sat up. “Aren’t Riku and Takari out there?†“Yeah! That’s why I think we should get out there!†Ami about screamed. “Okay, okay… Sheesh. No need to yell!†Kairi exclaimed. “Let’s go get Sora… and then we can—“ “Mhmmm…You just wanna see Sora in his PJ’s!†Ami interrupted and stuck her tongue out as she started running towards the door. Kairi sighed miserably. Why did I volunteer to let her stay at MY house?! She followed quickly after Ami. -Outside- The two girls made a dash for their boats, trying to stay as quiet as possible so they wouldn’t wake the other town people. “Okay… So we get to the island… And then what?†Kairi asked Ami. “Depends what we’re up against.†Ami replied as she ran to the dock and untied the boats. Kairi followed behind. “Y’know… I’m not that great of a fighter…†she admitted. “Good. That means you won’t have to get in my way!†Ami smiled as she hopped into one of the boats. Kairi stepped into the boat and grabbed a paddle. “Okay, let’s go then!†She said determinedly as she began to row. -Island- Kairi and Ami stepped off the boats onto the dock on the island. The rain was starting to come down and the wind was blowing. Ami looked around the surrounding area. Hmmm… Nothing seems to be wrong… She walked out into the middle of the beach. Something didn’t feel right. “Ami!†Kairi screamed. Ami whirled around to see a Heart Catcher jumping towards her. Her eyes widened and before she could react, Kairi jumped in with her Keyblade and destroyed the creature with one blow. “Thanks.†Ami told Kairi. She looked at her Keyblade and giggled. Wow that’s one frilly Keyblade… “What’re you laughing about?†Kairi asked suspiciously “Er… Nothing!†Ami answered innocently. She looked down towards the ground. “There’s more coming.†She said quietly, her eyes widening again. More Heart Catchers started appearing as if on cue. Ami readily summoned her Keyblade and stood by Kairi. “Ready? She asked Kairi. “Ready if you are.†Kairi answered. Both took off on each side and started wiping out the creatures. But it seemed that every time they killed one, 5 more were coming back! “They just keep coming!†Ami yelled. Just as the two were about to give up, some of the Heart Catchers started disappearing… -------------- Note: Ami's personality is very joking most the time, so the comedy happens when she's around usually. xD ... Finally some Kairi for those who were waiting! Hmmm... Who could the mysterious person who just saved Ami and Kairi be?! ---- :O The update isn't as big as i thought it would be! But... Oh well! It ended with a cliffhanger, so it was a good place to stop! ^^ I will try my best to keep going... as long as you all want me to! ^^