Well... Then you're too normality challenged! xD
Y'all are too weird... >_<
Wow........ xD
BYE DS!! *hugs* O.O That's a lot of topics.. XD What was up with the hot male nurses anyway...?
Hi! ^^ Geee. You're a BIGGGG help. xD Oh yeah.. What's this about male nurses....?
^^ What'd i miss?
HI! I ish back from softball practice! x3
i g2g get ready for softball practice! ^^" Bye fam! I might be back later!
xD Weird. I'm: KHMewNinjaRikuFangrl xD Has Rosey approved any of my vids? :O xD .. I've only uploaded like... 1 to the Video Portal... Joo ish welcome, Demi! ^^
:D DS MAKES VIDEOS? WHEREEEEE ARE THEYYYY? I must find them! x3 I ish doing good, how 'bout you? ^^
Use the "Ease In" effect. If the clip is short enough.. It should zoom in pretty far.. (Or atleast it did for me.. xD) ROSEY! :D
^^ xD . Yeah. Let's stop trying to figure it out.... Yes. EVIL WMM! D: But i did figure out i can zoom in clips! :D
I laughed when Demyx died. :D He screams funny! I almost cried when Axel died. Almost. It's kinda weird that i didn't cry though... I cry about a lot of things... o_O But... It was kinda expected.
Yeah.. T_T I had this really pretty one picked out... But it was too big.. >.< Well... I think you'd be freshman... I dunno. xD Yeah... I blame trying to work on an AMV! xD Demi pretty purple! :O
Thank you! :3 It took me forever to find an avatar that would fit the size for here... xD DS! *glomps* ^__^ --- If you're a year 10... I think you'd be a sophmore! ^^ AGH. SORRY. My computer like... Passed out. xD But i revived it! ^-^
xD Mine is almost too girly for me... Sounds scary I'm not a high schooler! (Obviously...) Yeah.. I don't like yuri either though... D: But seriously... I try to let people have their own opinion... I read this article over at theOtaku that was titled "Why The Demonization Of Yaoi Fangirls?" xD .. You should read it.
*high-fives* YEAHHHH! xD I dunno what the highest my temp has ever gone to... I haven't been sick for a few years... O_o Well... Whatever. xD I got the 7th Grade version right.... Well... I did... I scrolled over your name, and was like ":O" I don't like yaoi that much either... But i'd never de-rep someone for it! Everyone's entitled to their own opinion! ^^
Wow. You have the most interesting mind i've ever seen... Did ya know that? XD Nice one.
Awww~ We can match! :D ^^ What do ya think of it? :3 :O Wow. I only know what Homeostasis was 'cause we had to learn it this year for "Animal Adaptations" D: It's where you keep your body at a certain temperature, right? DEMI IS GONNA BE FAMOUS SOON ENOUGH? :O xD I gotta get posting somewhere other than here and the Creativity Corner.. xD
xD Yep! I KNOW WHAT HOMEOSTASIS IS!!!! See? I'm smart! :D Yay! New color theme stuff! :D