T___T Thanks...
DEMI! *glomp*
MOMMY!!!!!! *tackle-glomp* YOU'RE BACK!!!!!! ^_____^ I missed you so much!
Thank you... =.= Not everytime... Sometimes... We use satellite for our internet... :3 Way faster than dial-up.... (Which we used to have) Scary pictures though... :O
*still hiding* I think you did... O_O Sorreh for leaving! I shoulda warned ya that it was raining... And my internet usually cuts off when it rains.. D:
HE'S INSANE! *runs*
O_O** XD okayyy! ^^
*glare* Does Stephan want to share the same fate as Steve?!?!?!? xD Maybe i won't watch... >_>
He better not climb on me... >_> xD I should go watch some...
That he was. That he was. Ohhhh. HIMMMMM... I never watched that... xD
I'm sorry i have iguana-dropping issues! *pokes Stephan* Is he as crazy as Steve...? I don't think i have... ._.
>_> *drops Stephan* Oops. O_O
Another iguana...? *hides* ^^" Yeah but i didn't start submitting stuff for a while... Oh yeah.. I forgot that i was the one who told you how to get vids to upload... >_>
COME BACK MS!!!!!! I have 8.... Teeeheeeee~
XD Yeah... That part scares me too... Okay. ^^ Yeah... Is there anything we can do to help?
:O I've been to Florida before! ^-^ Planes aren't so bad... :O EVIL COMPUTER! I just uploaded it here to KHV! It won't let me pick a new thumbnail though... T_T Hi MS! ^^ What'd i miss with you? xD
^^ I go back Tuesday... T_T Oh yeah... Have ya seen meh new AMV beta yet? :3
Hi fam! ^^ SPRING BREAK~~~ WOOHOOOOO!!! :D Anyone hereeeeeeeee?
I'm backing away... ._.