My face isn't very pretty... But... I HATE MAKEUP! D: Makeup is like... It's.. Gah. I can't think of a good metaphor for it... >_<
Agh. I hate makeup... D: BY DS!!! *hugs*
BLUE! :D PURPLE! :D Yeahhh... D: The only sig shop i would ever open up... Would be like... Lyircs.. And i dunno how good lyrics would look against some of the KHVers... >_>
My color scheme is purdyyyy! :D Yeah. What Demi said! ^__^
Beating Sephiroth! I like... Let out this evil laugh once I had beaten him!!! XD
I SAID IT WASN'T THAT BAD!!! BELIEVE ME!!! I've seen some pretty bad sigs before. And yours is pretty good! ^^ Ahahahahaa. Drag races! ^^ Have fun.. .Even though you're being forced... XD
Morning to you too! ^^ It's like.. 9:15AM hereeee.... *yawn*
No... It's not too bad.. ^^ Hey Demi... FOUND JOO!!!! >D Aghhh!! *runs away* DANG ADDICTIVE CRACK! D:
O.O Uhm... The world of YT? i dunno.. XD Demi... There's something wrong with me... I've watched your Spice Girls thing twice now! O_o
The only way i could make a sig with a picture... Is if i edited a pic on WMM... And then made it to size on Paint.. >_< I'm a good lyric-sig maker though! :D Uhmm... BEHIND THAT CHAIR! *points*
Oooh. Very nice! :D DEMI. I KNOW YOU ISH THERE!!!! >D
XD .. I knowwwwwwwwwwwwww! ^^
Oh yeah! Profile icon finished and uploaded! :D ^^ ... Kairi is your fave word? :D jk. Wow.... Monopoly! ^^
^^ I'm trying to make a new profile icon for YT.... :D Wow. Sounds like mean teachers! :O
Awww.... I don't take Drama.. But when we have a sub for Band... Like... We just talk and get yelled at.. XDD
:D I have ice day.. XD DS!!! :glomp: Wow... Demi.. That sounds like a heck of a lot of work... :O
:O Mean WMM.
I'm importing some vids right now... WMM hasn't been toom ean to me lately... Except when i was working on "Inseparable" ... That took forever to open.. >_<
^__^ (fillerz)
Lucky... ^^" LUCKY AGAIN!!!! Eh. The lip synching was pretty good. ^^ XD ... Sora's lip synch for "Ohio" is like... Perfect.... :D