Omg, have you guys seen Pirates of the Caribbean?! I bet you haven't because it's never talked about! Gosh, Johnny Depp is such an underrated actor!
The Nightmare Before Christmas probably one of tim burton's lesser known movies i wish they would sell nightmare before christmas merchandise at hot topic
Avatar was a good movie. Too bad it's so underrated that nobody ever talks about it. ok your turn
The Plan ~ Built to Spill
Thank you. And yeah you can use it. c: I'm glad that people want to use these haha. yep.
Nothing better than rabbits killing terrorists horses (at least I think they're horses or donkey's).
I think I'm just going to stick with High School of the Dead for this season. First episode was pretty good. But Cat Shit One actually looks kind of...interesting lol
Used to be really afraid of spiders but I just over it? So I'm not that scared of them anymore unless it's a spider that looks like some deformed mutant from a horror movie or some thing like that. But I'm scared of deep water like in a lake or ocean because you never know what might be under there, waiting to pull you under. I'm also scared of burning alive or drowning. Also ticks. Ticks are disgusting and I've been bit my them twice in my life. hate hate hate
She's Out of My League It was alright. A few laughs here and there but I kept thinking of Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon every time the main dude talked lol
Sure, you can use it. c: Also, forgot to mention that these are all free to use. Loooove Florence + The machine. Her voice is just so amazing. The dude in the second row is Sufjan Stevens who is also an amazing singer, imo. ;o But thank you~
Apocalypso ~ Mew
Made some more avatars.
Eh, I tried.
Sincerely ~ Nujabes
Wide Eyes ~ Local Natives
Drumming Song ~ Florence + The Machine
Baby Walrus Spoiler Woohoo, this is my first clan that I'll be joining. Oh, and I really like the banner that Ridiculous Lunatic made. It's sexiii~
Reality Check ~ Binary Star