Smart you say? derp
I suggest Baccano! since it's one of my favorites and it's just awesome. ^just stole this from MAL cause I'm too lazy to give a description
jojoj13: I can really tell the improvement that you've made and the remix version is super sexy. Misty: I really like the newer version and all the pretty colors. But I'm not really diggin' the yellow/orange all around the stock. Laplace: Very lovely and I really like the lighting but it just seems too blurry for my tastes. Still good though.
Riot ~ Dead Kennedys
I know, why couldn't they just have the clothes be removable in the merchandise...I mean, what
Spontaneous ~ Toxik
I sometimes take a look at some of the tuts on because they usually have really nice tuts for gimp users over there. I also look up...
Gimp :B
I whip my hair back and forth Tried to work more with C4D's this time. So Cnc and whatnot
Yeeeah DUDE.
Grave of the Fireflies ;_; Probably one of the most depressing songs I've heard was probably Johnny Cash's cover of Hurt. Idk, it's just really...emotional.
Before After
The thread title reminded me of a Nine Inch Nails song. heh...
I would say you should go with Photoshop CS5 since I think that's the best one out of the three. Plus, I think it's better for sig making in general. But I'm no expert with photoshop since I use Gimp. But really, if you can't afford Photoshop, just use gimp. It takes some time to get used to but once you've practiced with it then I'm sure you'll get better with it. I've never used photoshop so I can't really tell you the difference between gimp and photoshop, but I really think Gimp is a great program. Also, the site that Misty mentioned is really great and has helped me greatly throughout the years.
I actually really liked their last album despite what other people might have said about it. :x I was going to go to one of their concert last month since they were playing in my town, but some things came up and wasn't able to go. Hopefully they'll come back so I can go see them. My favorite albums from them has so be Absolution and Showbiz. I like all their albums but those two, imo, are their best.
I'm pretty positive that Crona is a girl because both the manga and the anime they referred to Crona as a girl. Spoiler Also, I think that Medusa also referred to Crona as her daughter, but I'm not entirely sure on that.
Nope, I didn't use a tut for this one. I basically just smudged the crap out of it and sharpened it a lot, haha.
Alright so I finally decided to redo a super super old tag I made. I remember I was so proud of this piece of poop lol So I redid it and came out with this
dat OBJECTION This game looks absolutley amazing and I wish I had a 3DS now so I would be able to play it. But unfortunately it seems to only be coming out for Japan. Link ;_;
I really enjoyed the anime but I thought the ending was a little dumb with the whole lololcouragepunchderp. But I really do love the manga, which is still going. Imo, I really hope they remake the anime to follow the manga like they did with FMA: Brotherhood, but I don't think that'll happen anytime soon....or ever. But if you like the anime then I can guarantee that you'll love the manga even more. Spoiler Plus, you get to see Soul become a super awesome death scythe in the manga My favorite character would either have to be Death the Kid or Stein. I just love them both to bits and pieces.