Yes well I have too, but I also try to at least pay attention to this place
Eden sighed with annoyance. "Look, I don't like the other 'Users'. And to be quite honest I'm more dangerous because I had taken a programming class in school so I know your language." she glared further. "I will leave your world in peace if you let me leave. Terranort, I am more powerful than you by the fact that I am an unpredictable human and you can easily be wiped by a few strings of code I can create."
Um, dude, if you're going to post once a day, please at least be on msn, so I can give you ideas on how to move along, then me and Glen can go...
ooc: Yeah well I need you to do it, so please just do it. And besides, you LITERALLY HAD THIS AS YOUR ENTIRE IDEA. I'm not going to really do it since I have other ideas to trot about with, namely the whole character development thing to make my persona look like a flip flop-angsty-mad-cardboard character with no motivation other then to piss you all off.... I've been listening to too many angry people. guhhh
ooc: Because this was your idea and villain in the first place? BI
ooc: Obviously... need you for the antagonist bic: Eden glared at Terranort, expecting an answer. Summoning her fiery red KeyBlade, she pointed it at the dark master. "Well then? Before I gut you?"
After a few more minutes of running, the great bird bowed before his flaming master. The Wielder put herself out, mounting her trusty steed. "Alright now, tell me how to get out and I will not burn all your data into binary."
Equius headed up, stairs and hover pads accessible somehow to this bird. He was quick, speedy, and loud. The higher he ascended, the hotter it became. He was going up to the top, to the head.
And off the bird went in a very hurried step, Equius was her pet. He wouldn't let his master down quite yet.
Equius sqwuaked at Riku, giving a slight pitiful look to escape. "Sqwaarrr..." he whined, looking above to the ceiling to the trembling of the raging pyro.
Equius was in a cell similar to Sora's first cell in kh2, head peaked as he had heard his master's rage. "Crrrrr...." he clicked, ramming his head into the energy wall. Eden had been getting closer to Terranort, or at least his dwelling. "He better tell me a way out with my bird, or you'll be deleted." She muttered. This power-overloaded Eden was quite violent and had a... hot temper. Ooc: budump tssh
Eden was getting a bit out of control with her power, going up to the head honcho of the place. "Terranort..." she hummed, wanting to spit his name out and burn it like the rest of his security programs. "Where is my bird?"
The building the trio had predicted was the right one, as multiple flares of light and explosions were happening frequently. "Where is my bird!?" She growled at the programs.
With a little explosion to force the wielder out of her cage, she.set off to find her bird, and by any means necassary. Few programs could fight her without roasting into a crisp, and few would dare to try. Her embers were infernos, with so much force of power she felt as if floating. Granted, she could not speak, or move many muscles, or had the foggiest idea of where to go.
Eden fought herself, trying to focus her power or be consumed entirely by it. "No..." A few breaths of air wanted to make the User cough by how thin and hot it was. With a slow moving of her arms, she funneled the power into a "ball" and let it explode. It was quite visible from all sides.
The security programs had an air of thin heat about them, as their new source of energy was hot enough to melt metal if she could consciously try. Despite everything, Eden was still trying to make herself win this fight for her body. Being able to hold a mental thought was a big achievement on its own, and she would do more. Her physical form twitched, some sentience returning as the blitz was starting to be controlled. The thing is about raw power is that when its out of control, its hard to keep yourself together. But when you break through the wall of being overpowered, you get quite strong.
ooc: glad you left a perfectly good energy source for someone who isn't going to post. bic: The lines of the electronical world shifted, their once bright blue hue shifted to a deep white, accented by a furious red. Heat seemed to pulse within the color, and a barely sentient conscious. "Damn... Maybe---fzzzt-- Keep it together.... Maybe I can find Equi--ffzzzz" Keeping her sentience seemed a lot harder than the pyro had imagined. Her body seemed to not understand the limits of magic as it just kept burning. "Dammit, I wonder if-fffzzz-Aradia felt like this on Derse... Probab-fffzzz-" And out she went again.
Over the time that the others had found safety, Eden was-of course- contained. She was too... hot to handle for the programs. They had quickly found that out when one program was incinerated by the dazed wielder's white fire. So like a fairy, she was contained in walls of code, her light sealed off to be used as a power source. They didn't care what happened to the User, this one hadn't even hacked anything. But the programs' AI hadn't allowed them to waste such a good bit of power go to waste. Meanwhile, within the mind of the wielder, her core was even being affected by her mass power excretion. She was sifting in and out of her mental conscious, trying to fight herself into the physical world but only faded her mind out into some back-up data.
Eden almost attacked the light-cycles circling her, but went into a great rage. "Force..." She breathed, as she couldn't hear herself think. The red flames and lines on her uniform reacted into a red hot solar flare. She screamed, in the exertion of power and some pain.
Eden was currently running on flaming feet(trying to use the flames as controlled rockets) to try to catch up to the annoying bunch. "Get back here!" she screamed, only to be knocked over by a hostile program.