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  1. khmage1918
    "What is me?" Ashir blinked, not really paying much attention, though somehow his wayward glance at Roxas showed that he was really the one to answer.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. khmage1918
    Ashir stared at the tower, eyes sparking with memories and words. Licking his dry lips, he tried coughing out a few words. "Eden... What is?"
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. khmage1918
    Ashir very willingly followed Roxas, looking up at the tower. The name Eden sparked something within him once more, but he couldn't figure out as to what.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. khmage1918
    YenSid allowed the question to hang in the air, contemplating it. " If you prove yourself..."
    Eden jolts up, which surprises and slightly amuses the great Sorcerer. "Sir, please. Gexln is a Nobody of Darkness, but he's my ally. He's not evil, but he's not an angel either, he just wants to get his heart! And maybe becoming a Master would help him with that!"

    Ashir stared out the window, not really amazed with the visuals.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. khmage1918
    With a slow nod, YenSid kept his interest on Gexln. "Speak." His thick and booming voice held all the regality, power, and age of a sorcerer of his stature. This made Eden wince, slightly, but she held what little ground she dared to hold.

    Ashir stared at Roxas, in his little fetal state again.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. khmage1918
    Ashir hid into himself in a corner of the train, keeping any gazes to the Nobodies. He kept far from Valerie however, unable to cope with her unfamiliarity.

    YenSid slowly sat within his great chair, giving a great sigh. His presence made the air heavier than it already was. His piercing eyes gazed upon Gexln, with slight interest. Eden quickly knelt down, as with Equius' bow.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. khmage1918
    Ashir, though on the now departing train, whipping his arm in order to free his hand from the weird person. "Agh!" he grunted, flailing his arm to keep her away.

    Eden shrugged. "Yen Sid?" she called again, looking at another door that housed the supposed three fairies. A sudden gust of wind opened the door, and out came a slow Yen Sid going to his desk. "Sir?" he paid the nobody and human no mind.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. khmage1918
    No one was at the Ticket station, as it was late and the day was closed for celebrations. However, a blue train did come in, gushing great steams of smoke as it slowed to a stop.
    Ashir struggled against Valerie's hand, squeezing her hand hard.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. khmage1918
    Eden looked at ease, but slightly nervous. Opening the final door led to a wide room with a cone ceiling. A desk of finely crafted wood which held a skull upon it, glued by the burning wax candle. A thick air of force hung about the air, making it hard for The Wielder and her steed to breathe. "Yen Sid? Hello?" she called quietly, glancing around.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. khmage1918
    "The top. I remember that he was at the top." Eden walked up the stairs, entering the doors to a small room. Across it was another door that she entered, and more stairs. She headed up still, Equius trotting behind her with an armed stance. "Crrrr..." he clicked, feeling uneasy with this much of an arcane force around.

    Ashir glanced at Valerie, a real expression of curiousity about him. He motioned for her to continue, pointing to himself.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. khmage1918
    Ashir blinked, the dazed look gone at the name of "Eden". He looked around quickly, different from his slow, sluggish movements from before. "Mmm?"
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. khmage1918
    Eden headed with Equius, petting his head, into the door of the Tower. The etheral stair remained, as with the multiple chambers. "Wow..." she gaped, unable to fully comprehend the art of the arcane.

    Ashir gazed into Riku's blue eyes with his own sullen brown ones. "Mmph..." he grunted, tilting his head.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. khmage1918
    ooc: We'll have a spinner for this. Group chat later
    bic: With a hiccup, Ashir awoke quickly from the short snooze. He glanced at Roxas, deciding on staring at him. With a small grunt of interest, he hopped to the ground and headed to him.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. khmage1918
    Ashir shrugged, closing his eyes and taking a small nap.

    Eden sighed. "Gex, come on. Let's start off 2012 with a good impression and a good test." She headed out of the Gummi, annoyed that he could think to be so arrogant.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. khmage1918
    Ashir warmed up a bit to Olette, seeing her as the calmer female of the group. With a small grunt, he pointed to his unfortunate ice cream floor fall.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. khmage1918
    ooc: Will keep the names for it for now
    bic: Ashir kept his head low, buried into his shirt. His glazed eyes kept to Olette, as a way of pleading for help. With some whines, he felt as if threatened.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. khmage1918
    Dropping his ice cream, the supposed "Ashir" pushed away Valerie in a fit of fright. He didn't like the feel of the forced hug. He shook his head, bundling into himself to try to hide away.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. khmage1918
    The boy grunted again, unable to speak. He only shrugged about the name thing though, looks like he had little to no memory of things either.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. khmage1918
    The boy looked up again, not really doing much besides just eating his ice cream. His eyes seemed glazed, glancing at the Earthlings, as they were the biggest sore thumbs of the group. "Mmph..." he grunted, pointing to Valerie and Jeffery. He looked at Olette, hoping she'd pay attention.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. khmage1918
    The boy who had alerted the Twilight Trio went back to munching blankly at his ice cream, seemingly content. He did glance at everyone, wondering about who they were.
    Post by: khmage1918, Jan 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home