Eden was staring at Ashir with a hateful look. "This nobody... it's a cruel one. It is not my son. There is no way it could ever even be like that, he was just part of my imagination." she spat at his very ground, and he didn't react. "He is nothing to me." Equius clicked slowly, staying outside his master's room to keep a guard. From what, he really didn't know or care.
Eden glared at Valerie and Ashir, stomping away into the second room. Ashir and Equius followed, only for him to be blocked out by a shield. Yen Sid thought ahead.
A circular room showing 4 doors. A small podium showed a slip of paper with everyone's names. Eden watched the paper, walking up to the slip and read off the paper. Her anger clearly spiked as flames sparked in her arms.
After a few hours of growing foods, and their thickness. Eden had finished her meat stew, cleaning up Equius of his beefy feast. Ashir had finished with a lighter fish stew. Yen Sid entered, staring down everyone. His hat had been locked away for the night. "Your rooms have been assigned. Flora. Fauna. Merryweather. Show them to bed chambers. They will find their rooms."
Eden watched Kurix, eating an apple. Noticing another on the plate, she motioned Equius's head towards her. "Eq, take this apple by the stem and give it to the silver one." With a click, the big Chocobo, did so. Carefully, he stepped to show the apple to Riku, lowering it to his plate and swiping away the pear and munching it down as payment before sauntering off back to Master. Ashir ate very little, staring at Eden. His preferred food were the grapes.
Eden and Equius took a seat in the corner, keeping herself isolated from the others. She accepted her light meal of fruit, thin bread, and cheese. "What gives?" she sneered. Flora was set back, but kept a cheery attitude. "We must make a ladder of meals for your stomachs, dear." she sweetly smiled. "If we gave you anything too rich, you'd be sick!" The Wielder nodded to this, sharing her bread and fruit with Equius.
Eden went into the room, Ashir swiftly following and stayed by Roxas. She eyes each fairy, trying to remember the names. "Well then, I suppose you're our caretakers." she almost sneered.
Eden walked away from Ashir, glaring at it. "First, before you may take this test, you should be given food, water, rest, and clothes. The fairies shall help you, and I will give you your rooms. You will not argue with your rooms and who you will share the rooms with." Yen Sid raised himself, and with a small wave of the hand, opened the door. Ashir stared at Eden, not really reacting to how she perceived him.
Eden almost raised her hand at Valerie for almost mentioning Nexas, but put it down in an effort to stay calm. "He's not the child I created, he's a nobody." she spat. "I am who?" Ashir piped up, causing a small flinch from the Wielder's angry gaze. "You are nothing to me."
Eden picked up Ashir's hand, shivering. "I've never... felt him before." She pinched his skin, finding that he didn't react, and knocking it barely shifted the skin. "Whoever did this is cruel." "Then you have only yourself to blame. These two here are nobodies." Yen Sid accused, able to feel the emptiness they kept. The Wielder gazed into Ashir's eyes, finding them barren. "This isn't my Ashir... So I say leave him."
Yen Sid motioned Eden to see Ashir, while looking at Kurix. "Come." The Wielder looked at the mildly interested Ashir, kneeling down to see eye-to-eye. "...Ashir?" his response was a yawn.
"Sora the Wielder had a child, magic miracles, done." Eden bluntly explained. This brave move caught Yen Sid by surprise, blinking a moment. "In the other room, the three fairies await. They will help you." he almost stammered, but the Great Sorcerer had an image to keep up. "Now. Riku, I do suspect there is another reason for you being here. Yes?"
Eden held a keychain in her hand, standing up. "Master Yen Sid, though the King is gone, I know where his chain is." SHe held it so his symbol dangled on the gold chain, her skin a bit red in contact with it. "Child, the hand. Is the King's Key rejecting you?" Yen Sid put back on his hat, watching with some interest. "I have a slight skin allergy to gold." she bitterly admitted. Ashir watched the Wielder of the King's Key, eyes sparking of interest.
Yen Sid reached for his hat, putting it to his chest. A deadly sign. "The King was overpowered, and his keychain has gone missing." The words hung heavy, with sadness instead of power. For a master to lose his apprentice was like a father losing his son. Eden glared at Riku, finding that things were more than he explained, but dared not say a word. Ashir watched Yen Sid, with not much of an expression, the Sorcerer didn't notice.
Ashir didn't bow, he just stood there staring at Yen Sid who nodded at Riku. "Good. The world is cleansed at least." he hummed. He glanced at Equius, Eden, and Gexln, not giving off much of a reaction. Eden kept her mouth shut, but her anger did spark some flames that were quickly extinguished from the heavy arcane pressure of the air. "Report about the world." Yen Sid spoke again, a man of few words.
Yen Sid gestured for Sora to come in, having his gaze look over each individual. "Speak."
Eden almost went into a combat stance, seeing everyone. Equius took this lead, clicking harshly. "At ease." Yen Sid laid out his hand, and with a quick gesture he opened the room to give the group more space. The Wielder had to kneel to Yen Sid and his power, trying her best not to burn everyone, but Kisa, alive. Equius knelt as well, copying his master's movements.
Ashir frowned, hoping for a better answer, but he would get none at this point. He contemplated more upon himself, utterly baffled with the snippets of information given to him. It was like he was given 4 bunches of pieces to one puzzle that made 50 different images with each piece. It was very confusing.
Ashir grunted in annoyance of what little answers he was getting, but could only be satisfied by what he heard. "Riku... You know me?" he still wanted answers anyway. After a long period of thought, YenSid nodded slowly. "I will let you take the Mark of Mastery Exam, and it will see if you are worthy of wielding the Key." He closed his eyes a moment, but opened them again to speak his heavy words. "But the other Wielders are coming. This test will be between all the Wielders, to see if those with hearts are pure, and those without are just." Eden frowned heavily, but bowed her head. It was that or nothing. And something was better than nothing. "Thank you Yen Sid." She petted Equius, carefully thinking over the words. How would a fight show him her heart? The whole thing seemed a bit biased as Gexln had none, and could use darkness at his will.
Ashir grunted in confusion, trying to find out more. "And you?" Yen Sid put his gaze onto Eden, who faltered a bit. "I..." She tried dusting off her hand-me-down clothes from Riku's magic garbs. "I am a Wielder of Earth, one good at fire magic, and want to go home." Yen Sid only stared, raising an eyebrow to show he wasn't happy with the answer. Eden fidgeted at that. "I want to take the Mark of Mastery Exam in order to go on as a full Keyblade Master, wipe out the heartless, and return home. To my world, Earth." She stared at him, with a nervously bit lip. He nodded, satisfied with this answer instead.