Eden sighed, watching Ashir carefully. He had been watching her for some time now, giving a squeeze to the hand he had held first, which was Roxas'. She wanted to openly show the emotions she had, but now was not a good time. "Wielders. Come forward." the disembodied voice of Yen Sid boomed.
ooc: Woops, hair not hands bic: Eden thought of Roxas as well. "He is a nobody that formed with his somebody... so some emotions would be there... Doesn't explain as to why he's out though."
Eden shrugged. "When Yen Sid says we are." She combed her hands through her hair, a small time killer, in hopes of something to happen. "Gex, how was your night with Roxas and Riku anyway?"
"Anything that can fit the opening I suppose." She reached into the pocket, quite deeply as the arm was a third of the arm vanished before it finally picked out the bronze sheath. "There we go, all yours."
Eden handled the crafted bronze with as much care she could muster, awkwardly trying to gently slip the long sheath into her large sweater pocket. Swiftly and smoothly, the scabbard easily glided into the little pocket and out of sight. "And uh... there you have it? It's um... gone!" she gave a weak, 'Ta-Da!' in hopes of trying not to be any more awkward.
"TARDIS POCKETS, you big joke." Eden good-heartedly hit Gexln, but held out her hand. "C'mon, I'll show you. Can I see the scabbard? I bet it'll fit my pocket."
Eden chuckled. She pondered the idea of holding it, but quickly dismissed it as a stupid idea. "Well, at least these things will help us. The tardis pockets will be our greatest assets."
Eden chuckled, patting the Nobody's shoulder. "Aye, and it reminds me a bit of home. But now I can walk around without bare feet, eh? That's a miracle." she watched the scabbard, a slight frown on her. "You know Darkness's Sorrow comes and goes as you wish, right?"
Eden looked over to Ashir, finding that Merryweather could not do a thing to his outfit. Secretly, she preferred it that way, but at least the blue fairy was able to at least infuse his clothes with magic. The Wielder looked away from him, noticing he preferred to stay by the fellow nobody Roxas rather than the humans. But she stayed by Gexln, admiring the little scabbard provided for him. "Heh, quite nice." She complimented.
After a few moments, each of the girls had gotten their magic infused outfits for the rough times ahead. The three fairies headed off and guided each boy (and child) into rooms to get themselves changed. Flora handled Soda and Kisa alone, while the other two handled everyone else. Merryweather was handling Ashir, finding him the hardest to figure out an outfit, compared to the girls at least.
Each fairy brought each girl into their own separate rooms, going to address each of their clothes. Fauna had finished Eden, setting her out on her way while the others were getting dressed. Eden had finally received some fire proof sneakers, black pants with many pockets to keep an infinite supply of whatever. Magic was useful for storage. The pants had some beautifully designed flame accents, but cheesy against the black. She wore a red thick sweater, similar to her old one from earth, donned the wielder's black shirt. "Well, certainly matches my element." she mumbled, walking on ahead into the main room that connected the dining rooms.
Eden followed the red fairy, Fauna, into a separate room to be given new clothes. "Alright. I know this is nit-picking, but I need to wear something with legs, is fire proof, and lets me move around easily while still staying warm." she kept up a poker face, informing her needs. "Other than that, for color codes, something purple, red, night tones would be nice. But red is nice too." Ashir watched Roxas, chewing slowly, wondering what the woman who was his somebody would be doing now.
ooc: The Fairies will be giving each person magic clothes. Besides, I just wanted to do that. 8I;;; bic: Ashir pointed to himself. "She called me Creation. She called herself Artist." Eden spent her meal quietly, wondering about her competition. Sora, Riku, Gexln... Kairi possibly. She chewed slowly, and only ate lightly. With only a small vine of grapes and a buttery crepe, The Wielder if Earth had finished.
After a few hours of sleep, each room was opened by a fairy, taking the girls and boys to separate rooms for their meals. Eden was, of course, eating alone. Ashir was, of course, eating with Roxas and reviewing what his supposed "somebody" said. He looked over to Roxas, a question in mind. "What is an artist?"
Eden and Ashir both stared at Valerie, the former somewhat angered by the brunette. "Ashir, go to sleep." He scrambled to do so, not wanting to anger the somewhat scary woman. The Wielder returned to her bed, curling up to keep herself warm.
Eden raised her hand to pull Ashir in, to which he flinched and tried to run away. "Honey, wait, no!" She hissed silently, pulling him in. "I'm sorry." she breathed, and he seemed to freeze in the calm moment. "You're not Ashir, but you're my only visual connection to home. Everything I left behind... BloomBlitz, Unknown-Person, Tickity Tock, MeraMeraWolf, DarkKitsuneGirl, Teloka..." She counted off names of people she looked up to, few were good friends. " The point is... I can't believe I'm saying this... But you are the things I left behind." She held his palm in her lap, tracing the lines. "You are the creations of an Artist I once was." she hummed sadly. Equius shifted his head, staring at the human child as he sat on the floor. He gently nipped her ears, showing a soft side.
Eden arose from bed, limbs heavy and sitting next to Ashir, who stared at her in fear and scooched away. "Stop." she whispered. "Ashir. I know you're not him. But do you even remember who he is?" Equius watched the human child, staring at her and circling around her.
Ashier stayed in a corner, shivering from the massive emotion spike thar occured. Eden was waiting for Valerie to fall asleep to try to sort herself out. Equius curled around Kisa, wishing to protect the frail one rather than the other two.
Eden looked back. Where was this whole hitting thing coming from? Was it her trying to be dramatic? "I... Gexln is different. And Ashir, whatever his intents are, they are cruel. I've had a good nobody I trusted fade from my arms, and a bad nobody use me. I don't know what he will do, and when he goes against me, I'll actually use my fire instead of my palm." she shook from exhaustion and anger. "I am going to sleep. I want you to stop referring to that thing as my imaginary son by morning." She crawled into bed, feet blistered from rocks and heat. She had not found proper shoes to accompany Riku's outfit, so she had been barefoot since her first fire magic. I've begun to get out of my element. Too much fighting, too much drama. I can't think straight and it's tearing me apart. I gotta sleep this out... she let out a heavy sigh in an attempt to sleep.
Eden glared at Valerie, trying to breath away the growing anger. "You think this is your nephew?! It isn't Ashir, and he's just a pencil drawing! Grow up! This is some sort of twisted nobody JOKE that you're choosing to believe!" Ashir looked at the Wielder, a slight emotion popping onto his face. Fear, and a frowning sadness. "You are mine." he objected. The Wielder quickly shifted her attention to Ashir, raising her hand to him in a great fit of rage.... but could not strike, slowly restraining herself and holding her hand down as the truly frightened nobody fell over.