Eden angrily tried to breathe calmly, the fires dimming somewhat, and stared at Riku. Her almost glowing eyes looked puzzled. "Riku, what are you trying to achieve by gaining this title? You have a home, a heart, a life that you never have to leave! What more could you want?!"
Eden advanced onto Riku, the expelling heat almost acting like jets. She wasn't quite hovering, but when she reached the hottest point, she could, if only for a few inches. She began to grow a little careless, attacking straight on with more wild movements.
Eden fought back with every parrying blow she could give, grunting in pain with each hit. A few attacks hit her stomach, causing a very painful hiss. Getting very annoyed, she burned brighter, hotter, whiter. She was starting to go into the same blaze that happened during Space Paranoids.
Eden ran backwards, frightened that the stronger went up against her. "No.... NO!" She went up in flames again, trying to protect herself. Riku was a lot stronger than she was, even in his current state.
Eden stared at how Gexln was again, infinitely more powerful in her in every respect, but she still would have to face him. Right now, however, she would still have to finish off Riku and Sora. Yen Sid, however, was watching this all happen within a peculiar room. It looked identical to the fighting room below it, but had a one way mirror ceiling. That way the Sorcerer could watch every movement. He smirked as the wielders born in Earth had so quickly broken the rules, but did nothing about it.
Eden had barely enough time to dodge and parry the hits, Riku's hit almost made her leg buckle. She kneeled in pain, firing herself up to defend herself and have Gexln help her out.
Eden went in front of Gexln, chasing Sora and trying to at least knock him out without fire. Her eyes sparked a darker fire, fueled by the anger of possibly being beaten. "What motive do you have for becoming Masters anyway!? Just the title! Me and Gex deserve it more than you..." she whispered harshly in his ear.
Eden kept one arm defending against Way to Dawn, a purely instinctive option, though that left her one handed blade at a great disadvantage. Two hands allowed a lot of force to be put down, one made her thin arm severely weakened.
Eden fell over from the lack of focusing the built up momentum upon something. Quickly spinning up, keyblade spiking out to keep enemies at bay. She charged again at Riku, though she knew he overpowered her by a landslide by physical means.
Eden cleared her fire, a bit rejuvenated by the heat, speeding towards the two wielders in an attempt to attack head on.
Eden charged, not quite the fastest, but keeping the flames close in order to attack far and stay defensive. Her eyes narrowed, a strange look about them that was very feral.
Eden panicked, seeing Riku join her fray. "Now C'MON!" She yelled. F--k the rules! Fire time! Sparking, the Wielder of Earth lit herself up, a defensive tactic that quickly turned offensive as she charged, trying to finish the fight quickly.
Eden tried every opportunity she could, trying to go for cheap shots, trying to bend her legs to trip the brunette until a slight pain became very real in her leg. Sh--! she cursed in her thoughts, hissing on the outside. She tried backing up, no way was she letting the wielder win. She did everything she could to go all out offensive to keep herself from losing.
With the amount of failing to get out of the leg lock she put herself in to trip the Sora, and the amount of closing distance between them and Gexln... Sadly to say, Eden could already see she was failing to put up a decent fight. But, as coming from Earth, opportunities of leg locking were far and few, so the best idea she had instead of tripping was a bit jab upwards by the knee. It would senselessly hurt a gonad or two, but if it got her some distance between Sora and herself, The Wielder of Earth would immediately take that chance.
Eden growled at Sora, keeping aback. She would stay defensive on her own turf, and would push Sora off defensively if he tried anything else.
Eden backed up, keeping herself on the defensive. Parry, block, block, down, headbutt the stomach. She formulated her defensive plan, enacting it as Sora played in. She tried using her feet to hop about, locking his legs in hers to trip the male.
Eden watched Sora and Riku silently while keeping a circle around and keeping far from Gexln. "Stay calm, stay calm. You're a pacifist, and yet has to fight. Oh f this I'll fight when later." She mumbled to herself, worried that the Nobody would charge right at her for a fight.
"This is the Mark of Mastery Exams for Wielders of The Key. So only the Keyblade is to be used, no magic, only the skill of the Key." Yen Sid repeated. Eden still felt nervous at that. "And, Go." Immediately the Wielder of Earth ran away from everyone the best she could.
Equius stood by Ashir, curling around him since Master had given him soft regards. Yen Sid was still nowhere to be seen, but his voice was very clear. "This is the test, go forth and find who is the best of you by skill. No magic." Eden gulped at that, as she mostly depended on her fires in the first place. But, she summoned her fire red keyblade, glancing at her right leg, hoping it would keep up. She wasn't fast or strong like the others, but she would find some way to win... if she could.
Eden stepped forward, only to feel a slight tug. "Hm?" She turned to see Ashir tugging her hand, a blank face. "Don't go." he whined lightly. She could only smile slightly. "You stay, I go. No following." And with that, The Wielders formed a line, vanishing through Yen Sid's magic into a large circular room.