"Maybe because he's near me? Or...he doesn't quite know what he is." The Master mumbled. " Maybe your darkness would be able to unlock his abilities? "
After a good long time of space travel and rest, Eden arose to find Ashir staring at both the human and nobody partner. "Oh... Hello honey." she silently cooed. "Ashir, why don't you rest? Or um... eat something?" "Don't want to." he mumbled with boredom.
"So you're not a Nobody? That's what Artist Eden said." Ashir was still quite young within the head. His head was still locked with knowing really what he was. He subconsciously hoped for a release.
"She's going to do something..." Ashir shrugged, watching Gexln with utmost interest. The child had found it easier to group with those most familiar, and by scent, Gexln was the only nobody around. "Are you like me?"
Eden was resting peacefully, eyes half open and blurry. Ashir waddled up to the Nobody of Darkness, staring at his expressions. "What are you looking at her for?" He chirped quietly.
Eden sighed, already wondering how badly she would fail in the long run and how the wielders would end up saving her. "Maybe Yen Sid's just being soft on me because I have the King's Key. " she mumbled before fading out of the waking world. "Guess Sora was meant to be the Master after all."
"I wasn't talking about Kisa." Eden closed down the talkie connection, looking at the auto-pilot running. Yawning, she went into a small rest area to sleep.
Eden detected the deception and poorly attempted cunning of the Wielders, but gave a sigh of relief. "Thank you." she hummed with some feeling. "Remember, the world of Darkness is no place for a child. Children could get corrupted."
"Ventus?... I don't have any plans for him. That is for the next Master to deal with once I disown the title. I just was just going to save my family and loved ones, and make it so that Wielders are able to live a normal life." The Master of the Key sighed, not believing that her goal was better than Sora's by means of his child. "Sora... Riku... Look, please, I want you guys safe so that the child will remain safe. I don't want you two dying for the sake of the worlds. I'd rather be the one to do that."
Eden bit her lip. "Well... that World of Darkness... that was on Earth... Can you please tell me about Xehanort? My memory of him is very dim. I only know about him from you... the you I saw in the games." she quickly added, staring at a big black hole-like entity.
"NO!" Eden answered a bit too quickly, and loudly. "You uh... I cleaned your fridge.... I um... just want to know. What am I to expect in the World of Darkness?" she heavily breathed, sweating from nervousness.
Flying into the stretches of space, The Master was going closer into the Darkness with each ticking minute. She trembled in fear, wondering if Yen Sid was right to name her a Master. Reaching into her sweater pocket, she nervously took out the red walkie-talkie. "Hello? Are you there? Answer Roxas, Riku... Please?"
ooc: Aye, now please post something big as I afk a bit.
Equius sauntered inside, laying down in the main hub as usual. Eden strolled about the control room, looking at a pair of red walkie-talkies on a counter. The Master had to smirk. "I understand." She mumbled, allowing everyone to roam before taking one of the talkies to Sora's gummi. "Well, I might need help from you yet.... Wielder." With that, she ran back inside, revved up her personal gummi with everyone inside, and headed off to the worlds beyond.
Eden walked out of a door, with Gexln, Equius, and Ashir in tow, going down the many flights of stairs to reach the Exit. Two gummis were parked outside, Sora's, and a sleek red one for the new Master. A parting gift. "Well, off to the World of Darkness." she gulped.
Eden placed a hand on Riku's quivering shoulder, and wiped away Sora's tears. Pulling the two into a hug, her breathing wavered. "It's not like your work was for nothing. You did a lot of things... But right now, you need to keep yourselves safe. When I disown my title, you two could become masters! But right now, you have a baby to look after, and I cannot allow you to go ahead and leave her with your parents. It would break her heart... The worlds need a hero... and maybe your time has gone out for it." She looked at them, slightly damp eyes, but turned to Gexln and stayed by him. "As the Master of the Key... I'm going to keep your child safe." "Come. Let us go back to the others." With a broad graze of his arms, the Wielders and Master went to the others. "Ashir!" The Master Wielder hugged the running nobody, as it felt ages had gone by, an he did somewhat miss her. Equius nipped her ears, happy Master was back.
Eden breathed a bit heavily from that healing spell, but recovered. "I would never go and take Xehanort alone. It'd be suicidal." she dismissed the Key, looking at Yen Sid. "Master, I want you to do me a favor. I would like you to provide a gummi. For Sora and the others. Gexln stays with me. They will be heading to someplace safe. I wouldn't want a child near the darkness, or their parents away from the child." "As a parting gift to our new Master, then yes." Yen Sid nodded, looking at Sora and Riku. "But first, I think you need to tell them something." She looked up to the Sorcerer's face, then back at Sora and Riku. "I..." She nervously walked in front of the two, gaze averted. "I'm sorry I threatened to kill you... It was to beat you verbally down. I would never be able to kill anyone myself." she huffed. "And Sora... Good luck with the baby. And please, live a normal life. Bad enough I can't."
Eden stared at Riku, looking at Yen Sid. "Can you teach me how to heal?" Yen Sid nodded. "Focus on the subject, and then think of their wound. Then I hope you understand the rest." While her face was somewhat confused, his had an almost sly quirk to it. "Curaga." She breathed, the keyblade shifting into a darker, pentacle shape, composed of metal vines and earth, fire, water, air... A healing pulse green light went through the room, and the injured humans were healed. All the burn marks remained as heavy scars, however.
"Keep in mind Riku, Eden is going to disown her title once her goal is achieved. You all will have another chance." Yen Sid smiled softly a bit to his pupils. Standing up, the whispers and invisible words silenced themselves. "The New Keyblade Master is to be the Wielder of Earth, Eden. If she is to pass on or disown the title, you are all able to come again once that happens." The new Master of the Key stood up, nervously biting her lip as she summoned the King's Kingdom Key.
Yen Sid slowly thought over this. "After much thinking, and yes your motives are very valid... But the universe needs a good mediator for the worlds... and with what your life is full of, a heart that houses many souls, and a child... To be a Wielder now might not be in your best interest."