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  1. khmage1918
    ooc: she wanted to attack you, but the hostile security programs got in the way.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. khmage1918
    ooc: For the record, I have never seen either Tron movies. :l So suck it
    bic: Eden wanted to turn around and try to attack her enemys' savior. "Oh no you don't!" with a quick flick, the light cycle vanished into pixels. Fire surged out, and like a rocket, she sped.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. khmage1918
    Eden sped towards the trio, only to end up surprisingly cutting off Terranort instead. "WHAT!?" She screamed in anger, frustrated such a mistake was allowed on her part.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. khmage1918
    Eden kept trying to speed up, focusing on what was in front of her. Her ears would act as her peripheral eyes. "Left." She spoke directions to herself, trying to circle the perimeter of the Game Grid.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. khmage1918
    Eden was summoning her light cycle, going at a high-speed to the main group. "For treating life like a GAME!" she growled, her streamline fires blazing.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. khmage1918
    ooc: If "I'll" allow it
    bic: Eden tripped into a dazed, transferred state. The flames put out, she quickly collected herself to glare at her old allies. She tried to form words that would show all the venom she had to them, but none would come out. So, she settled on her glare, wishing that they'd one day visit a world where figures of speech were real.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. khmage1918
    "Where's Equius!? I don't care who you are, just give me back my bird!" Eden grew enraged, not allowing a single program to come close to her inferno. Her eyes glowed like coals, and with the same intensity at Terranort. "I will end you, if that is what it takes to achieve my goal."
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. khmage1918
    Eden glanced around. Noticing her former comrades, especially in such close quarters, sent her on immediate edge. "You..." her tone was hostile. She glanced at the programs. "And You! Where's Equius!?"
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. khmage1918
    Making quick works with firewalls, the Pyro's game was cut off by a large overhead "Quit" button. "Looks like the Player's choosing something else. Well then, let's play." And with a small transportation light, she was sent to the Disc Wars. Her Light-Cycle Bar shifted into a disc. "Ugh, I hate frisbees. Never had good aim with these." she noticed blue players, grinning slyly. "Let's go! Deathmatch run.exe!"
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. khmage1918
    Eden was preparing her light-cycle battles, allowing the motorcycle shell to envelop her. "Vroom vroom, mother-****ers." she snickered, speeding off and leaving a blazing red trail behind. "Ohh~ Lovely, I'm a firewall."
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. khmage1918
    Eden looked around the world she stumbled into, which was quite extensive compared to what she remembered. "Wow, this is a whole new--" an unexpected sqwuak came out of Equius' beak, and the pair were sent to a jail-cell. With a dazed human program, her bird obediently glared at their captors not going to allow their captors to harm his master.
    "Bring the hackers to the game. Keep the bird.class hidden for motivation."
    And the already dazed human collected her new-new environment, a big grid that was levitating a small bar in her arms. "Well then, guess Eq won't be coming after all."
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. khmage1918
    With a good load of fire, Eden was getting a bit tired, and Equius was weakening as well. "Let's see. If 1 securityprogram.class is removed then all securityprogram.class within 20 meters are removed." With a monotone programmer tone, and a fireball to a humanoid program, a good chunk fell, and evaporated into 1's and 0's.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. khmage1918
    Eden noticed she seemed to be surrounded by programs with orange lines. She smirked at them, with their weapons of electricity pointed at her and Equius. "Prepare to be De-rezzed." one gruffly low sounding program warned.
    "Hey Eq? Live up to your name and fight." and with that, the Wielder of Earth ran to attack, inferno blazing. It was obvious she was just trying to prove her worth to herself once more.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. khmage1918
    ooc: I didn't want to.
    bic: Eden surveyed the landscape before her, it wasn't her old team's location, that's for sure. "Must be because I threatened them." she smirked. Her thick leather-like clothes were running jagged with red lines. Equius was similar, as her noble steed.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. khmage1918
    Eden just waited, clicking for Equius to come. "It'll be a bit rough, but worth it." With a few moments of waiting, the security scanned and beamed in the two "hackers" and would punish them accordingly.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. khmage1918
    Eden finally came into the room too late, everyone else had beaten her. "Damn!" She dismounted Equius, who was heavily breathing. "Sorry Eq, here." She offered him some feed, and went to the mainframe. Though the maximum password acceptance has been reached, she still typed in one thing anyway.
    I'm coming.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. khmage1918
    Eden had finally reached the refurbished "maze", hoping the left path was the right one, finding that it was. The room was entirely familiar, and knocking down each door(though taking a moment to open a hidden one), she entered into the big chambers, noticing the light of the data beam becoming more and more clear and bright. "Oh no you don't... Eq! Keep on running!"
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. khmage1918
    Eden kept running off, trying to get to Ansem's computer, and it was harder than she imagined. It has been a long time since she played Kingdome Hearts II, and each direction was a nostalgic punch that left her swimming in memories.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. khmage1918
    Eden's gaze connected to Yuffie, snapping at Eq to run off to the direction of Ansem's computer. She would beat the others, and she would move on to Twilight Town to go on to The Mark of Mastery Exam. "Eq, let's get to Ansem's computer before them. Top speed."
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. khmage1918
    Equius skidded to a stop at a high roof of a building, staring at the new arrivals. Eden glared down at them, not in the mood to deal with the children she had called her allies.
    Post by: khmage1918, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home