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  1. T A F F Y シ
  2. T A F F Y シ
  3. T A F F Y シ
    Profile Post

    :v .

    :v .
    Profile Post by T A F F Y シ for The Fuk?, Dec 10, 2010
  4. T A F F Y シ
    This is a very beautiful piece of work.
    The best part are her eyes and eyelashes, very eye catching.
    Her skeleton hand is a very nice touch, kind of creepy and cute in a way.
    What she is wearing is adorable and I love the shades you did on it. Very quick and professional like.
    +even though her head looks big, it adds a nice angel and shape to her body. Makes her look like a doll, especially those stitches are her mouth.

    What I want fixed is the background, add clouds probably.
    Shade the grass on the floor, make it look wet and spooky.
    You can also add the light of the moon reflecting on the grass.
    Also, try shading the moon and the gravestones.
    Her hair could use a little more work.

    Other then that I like the Halloween essence in this piece.
    ~Well done.
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Oct 30, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. T A F F Y シ
  6. T A F F Y シ
  7. T A F F Y シ
  8. T A F F Y シ
    with apples.

    Thread by: T A F F Y シ, Oct 14, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. T A F F Y シ
    I will look into what you said above and you are quite right with the shading.
    You made alot of sense, but not confusing me at all.

    What I have used were those old ink pens, where you place the tip in a bottle full of ink.
    Something similar to this one > (Link)
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Oct 14, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. T A F F Y シ
    Every one deceives with a mask.

    Check out how I see those sinful people :V

    A Deceiver's Mask

    ~ I also did an Ink version out of it ~

    A Deceiver's Mask ~ Ink Version

    Thread by: T A F F Y シ, Oct 13, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. T A F F Y シ
    Profile Post

    Kitty has twitter? :3

    Kitty has twitter? :3
    Profile Post by T A F F Y シ for Xephos, Oct 4, 2010
  12. T A F F Y シ
    between a girl and a fish.

    Just to let you guys know.
    Check it out here:-

    Thread by: T A F F Y シ, Sep 26, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. T A F F Y シ
    Profile Post

    The ceiling . :3

    The ceiling . :3
    Profile Post by T A F F Y シ for nasirrich, Apr 26, 2010
  14. T A F F Y シ
  15. T A F F Y シ
  16. T A F F Y シ
  17. T A F F Y シ
    Profile Post

    Yes, it is. :3

    Yes, it is. :3
    Profile Post by T A F F Y シ for nasirrich, Apr 2, 2010
  18. T A F F Y シ
  19. T A F F Y シ
  20. T A F F Y シ