Awww, thank you soo much. You made me really happy today \o/ I'm really glad to hear how you feel towards my art. Amazing and nice person you are to comment so nicely. :3
You can't fake them in front of taffy.
Tell me about it but it helps to pass time when you are bored. Weird way of putting it, I know.
Thanks chica. I'm working hard to study for the exams right now.
lol, twitter is awesome. How long is your summer?
Love ya Dinny <3 Sorry for the late reply, been quite busy with exams D; Yep, its watercolor ;] Thanks babe, I'm glad you loved it. \o/ Sorry for the late reply. You're good. Since you were able to analyze really well from my other pieces, I'll tell you .... Punishment was something I grew up with. "If you this, if you do that, you'll be punished taffy." It was to teach me what you get when do "bad" things, so yes. Many of my punishment pieces are intentional and purposeful. Silence was seen in my days as a punishment, we would be isolated from the rest and beaten, not allowed to utter even a sound, lol. It was good times those days, it changed me. Every subject in the pieces, were from people I have seen and their way of being punished. For example, I still would remember their body postures, one were you would shield your body with your hands to, and their sad expressions with shining eyes. As for the chain, you are almost right. It mainly symbolizes abduction, where she is forcefully caught (after attempting to run away from her punishment) and now will be thrown in hell for eternity. One thing important to remember about my punishment series is that they are how I viewed various fantastic ways of people being punished during my childhood days, in which I like to emphasize a bit, adding a touch of fantasy to it as well.
woah! I feel ... loved \o/! I missed you to kitty. WHERE ARE YOU ON MSN? D: It's soo lonely now. What's facebook? ;3 lol, sure I do <33...
Hey Traditional art section peeps, I missed you D; Anyway, I am here to show you guys my "best" work I produced so far during my absent. Punishment 3. There's a story behind this piece, thought about in environmental class (read description box). ~Enjoy and I hope you like/love it. :3
Dinnnyyy!~ :glomp: Taffy missed this place and you <3 annnnnd ... 2 months until summer for me \o\ \o/ /o/ :3
:glomp: .
Baring with life and graduating school. Can't wait to leave and go to college. :3
That's good to hear. Still making those wonderful music beats which I STILL listen to? <3 Same, I've been like .. struggling to graduate and...
Hey :3 Missed ya bro. How have you been doing?
Yep, just like me ;* .. so hows life? :3
I'm back :glomp:
Yes, you taste like me.
OMG where have you been? ;V Taffy missed you. and your tasty+attractive! :3
*peeks in* ....BOO! *runs away like a ninja*
Happy new year bro :v
Nothing changed a bit. :3