Ofcourse I do D: OH COME ON! They are not good .. they are wicked! Seriously, you got talent bro. I go to school listening to "Walk we me" all...
Thank you Daxa. I am very happy to hear that \o/ and don't worry I will ;] *gives my art skills to you* But it comes with a price ... give me candy, lol <33 Thank you loads for your wonderful comment. I'm really to hear you like her Medusa style hair. That was my aim to display her hair like that \o/ :3
Ahahaha, nice. Lots of the kids said the exact same thing. They were like Pretty Pretty Shiny shiny GUN! Awww, thank you. That makes me soo happy to read that I am glad \o/
I enjoyed finishing this \o/
Have you set your goal in life already Dinny? Did you choose a career yet?
Sorry for the late reply ... I am studying for my IB exams. Not many .. but enough to make me happy. Ummm on that day ... it was my Art fair and I...
That's nice to hear. I am also at the moment studying for my exams ... my IB ones. :3
Hey nice person <3 That's really nice of you. Well then Hi Daxa How are you doing?
We were all something in our previous life ... I believe I was a sheep ~ baa .
Same here, Taffy is happy to hear that Apo is happy ;] Today .. I noticed how many people are really kind and soo nice around me. Wanna hear the...
Thanks babe <33 I'm almost done with all the history and boring languages. Now I can finally go and pursue my dreams! :3
Thank you. You are a very kind person. I am really glad to hear you love my style \o/
I'm just addicted with them. *cough*Reborn influence*cough*
lol its nice to talk to you again \o/ I'm happy to hear you are doing fine, god bless. Taffy is always doing great :3
Then make one? :V
Awww, thank you. I'm really glad to hear you like it \o/
We all are.
OMG HEY APO. It's been over a year since our last conversation, lol. HOW ARE YOU DOING? :3
Got twitter? :3
I'll probably catch up soon mine starts on June right after graduation. :3