Ahaha, more like "good" luck. But I'm happy you noticed I didn't draw her shoulders that way on purpose. Merci. :3
What's 2+2 ?
I've decided on animation. Ah, I see. Perhaps something else other than lack of motivation bothers you when trying to make a final choice. Are...
The Arts University College at Bournemouth (AUCB), it's on the South coast of England. That's nice. How come you don't know yet though? :3
Woah .. I mean .. Wow, I know how my sisters feel. I'll leave you know Dinny. Go eat those books now, okay. Good luck! :3
Apology accepted bro. That's life, it grabs us so harshly. Engulfing our memory D: Nice \o/ I've been working full time at a library for the...
I am ALLLIIIVVEE. lol *taps on your head* It's good to be back. Want a cookie?
God only knows. So how life treating ya? Summer ended? :3
Hmph, you forgot right. Don't lie. At least we are even know :c Merci. So update me on your life so far? :3
That's nice. I didn't even know what was going on but I'm happy I won, thanks for checking *w* So update me on your life so far? sis is mad at...
Dinny! Merci beaucoup love. I think I can pull it of as well, to tell you the truth. I will not disappoint you! Your luck will of course help me...
\o/ I really don't know. But I got the most votes ... does that mean I won? Seriously I don't know much about polls and how to win contests, lol....
Thanks for voting for me btw. "Wolfie has some nice balls (lol), but I have to go with TAFFY on this one." lol Merci. :3
That's very nice to hear. I feel bad that this was happening while I was inactive and lazy about. Thank you for voting me. I need to go back...
I miss this place. \\o// Hello family. I mean GOOD MORNING FAMILY. *sniff* *sniff* I can smell Dinny on this thread koko. :3
Thank you for voting for me as "The best traditional artist". Your comment put a smile on my face :3
I wanted to thank you for your wonderful comment on "The best Traditional Artist". I'm very interested how you figured out why I drew the...
I missed you to bro. LIKE HELL. Haha, your songs that come on shuffle always make me come back here, keke. Happy late birthday btw. I feel like a...
Merci Beaucoup Misty, for nominating me as the best traditional artist. Sorry, that I saw the message late. I'm such a clutz, lol.
I voted for you as the best musician. Just telling ya.