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  1. T A F F Y シ
  2. T A F F Y シ

    Thank you Dinny for your awesome critique I realized now a few mistakes I did.
    I will keep your helpful words in mind for the future.​

    Thank you soo much for your perfect critique.
    I actually realized on those mistakes but i had to stick to the similar style of the anime in some ways.
    Definitely helpful.
    I will try to produce more work following different styles in the future, so please look forward to them.​
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. T A F F Y シ
  4. T A F F Y シ
    hmmm how do\did you know? :3
    Profile Post by T A F F Y シ for The Fuk?, Sep 12, 2011
  5. T A F F Y シ
    I'm not usually into doing fanarts but since I fell so in love with the show I had to xD
    Hope you guys know it.

    My first day at my art college is coming soon \o/
    I'm going to be posting more artwork, doodles and observational work from now on.
    I'll also be trying new things to experiment with
    Thread by: T A F F Y シ, Sep 10, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. T A F F Y シ
  7. T A F F Y シ
  8. T A F F Y シ
  9. T A F F Y シ
  10. T A F F Y シ
  11. T A F F Y シ
  12. T A F F Y シ
    Profile Post

    Uk, Bournemouth.

    Uk, Bournemouth.
    Profile Post by T A F F Y シ for anarchy666, Sep 6, 2011
  13. T A F F Y シ
  14. T A F F Y シ
  15. T A F F Y シ
    Thank you ^^
    I'm really happy to hear that you love the colors \o/

    Merci beaucoup pour votre critique.
    I will pay more attention on drawing the bodies, I need to practice more keke.

    Don't Worry I will post more \o/
    Please look forward to them.
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Sep 5, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. T A F F Y シ
  17. T A F F Y シ
    Thank you once again Dinny for your Critique.
    I see now the mistakes I did haha xD

    I'm glad you loved it. Your words made my smile : DDDDD
    I love eye balls. I find them attractive and creepy.
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Sep 3, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. T A F F Y シ
    Thank you Dinny for your awesome Critique.
    I will work on the skulls just because you said so :] Even though I think they will probably distract the viewers from the "fish girl". I'll try extra hard and practice on drawing some more skulls (maybe in another piece).

    The background was done with just plain old watercolors (one which is very old and never used since my first try back in 7th grade).

    I'm really HAPPY you loved my piece. I'm very greatful.
    I will tell my dreams to "dream" for me some more haha.
    Post by: T A F F Y シ, Sep 3, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. T A F F Y シ
  20. T A F F Y シ
    I always adored them.
    They seemed more mysterious then the magicians.

    Critique is always appreciated, thank you.
    Thread by: T A F F Y シ, Sep 3, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics