i'm a servant and an ass... i think i'm done... orders?
you didn't mean that i should join, right miss? ...i can't draw at all...
...i hope that you will post more of your great art work in the future...
wow....thanks a lot... i'll try to get a good picture...
um....sorry for asking... how....do you upload your desktop like that?
avy: 8.... sig1: 9.....sig2: 10... yahoo...first i signature i have!....and it got smaller....
um....hello, sir... can i assist you in some way...?
i hope no one really takes any offence from what i have said... but judging that you think i am lying right now....well...i hope no one is mad... also...back to lying... your not great..
... um... your a villain...
you are all not awesome... ... i hope you understood...
well...yes... .. i guess i should shut up...
most of the kh-II heartless were more of a comic enemy than an actuall threat since there were nobodies... heartless in KH1 were cool...i liked most of them there... but i think the nobodies took the role of looking strong in KHII....
aren't the jonas brothers just popular because some people....think that they look.....uh..hot? i haven't heard any songs at all from them that i like...but i thought it first was my bad taste... *edit*....ahahhahahhahaha!!! i just listened to that naked brothers thing.... it's....so....terrible.... i regret listening...
wow...your birthday is 1 day after mine... but don't worry...if there was someone who told you that our of the blue...then...well...make no effort in trying to avoid it... live your life normaly and don't run around screaming for attention....right?
i shall then serve and protect miss sofy with my life
yay! oki i liked fighting him... it's very nice!! um...miss? could you make a susano as well?.....or issun? o-o-or....waka or amaterasu?
has it always been like this? was he different in any way before? it could be a traumatasing experience or something which changed him...or a sort of pshycological torment....
...he was my favorite boss...but favorite heartless was the neoshadow... sig and avy 10 and 8
t-thank you miss!!
not meant for me...right?... i'll just shut up...