gah! i can't do anything!! ....the only contest iv'e been in...was a poet contest... i'm sorry.... but i will check it out....thank you, miss!
....thank you, miss....
i don't want to trouble any of you... but it is very nice of you to ask, miss... um...what...other things do you do, miss? did... i....meant no offence! i promise!!... but it just became tiny...
um...alright then, miss... but may i still serve you?
i will serve miss kitty...she cares about the enviroment... i can take a beating from the's nothing... but...i am not attractive... will i be punished for that?
.... .... bye... i'm...sorry...
....your to kind to be evil! my politeness what others call just...a cover... and one thing.... please....don't tell me you have hurt yourself, miss...
hm...? you were in a cult, miss? ...i refuse to believe that you have any coneection to evil...whatsoever...
....but what about my hatred... i don't want to hurt anyone... but people accuse because i look evil, right? people said that i was a theif...a villain...because i look ugly...then it must be true...
....well...i want to hurt humans...for what they did to nature... but not you, miss...or your sisters... there are a lot of people i want to protect as well... but i am a pathetic fool in this world filled with majestical biological wonders and.....the humans who corrupted it...
never! i have sworn to protect you!!...even though it's a little hard... but i have a friend... we have known each-other for years... but i told him to stare into my eyes (i never look at the people i talk to)... and he stopped talking to....i asked why, naturally...he just said that my eyes are evil... funny...
i remember seeing when you first showed it to me for a while back, miss... it's a great piece of work!
but you have not seen my eyes...
....a lie... why does they keep saying it....? ah....but if you saw my eyes, miss.... no one......NO ONE...has ever stared into my eyes and managed to say that... they see the truth... i am evil...
.... but my pesronality does... i am cruel, rude....ugly and....have torn this world apart...
but i am nothing now.. look what i have to feed on... believe that i'm not human now?
well...i never was human from the beginning...and now i am a monster... all because i lost a portion of my darkness.... and even if i was human...i would never be equal...i'm a servant...
hm...i might as well show you what i have become due to a mutation....from someone who injured me with her light... i am tainted...i am ugly...
i'm not...not at all... but you are a fantastic ninja, miss....