i was invited to a few...but..i'm not sure what you do...
it's up to you, miss... no one can blame you for your interests, right?
i...um...just want to say that...um...even though i have changed my name...and...um that... i shall still serve you and protect your castle miss... my loyalty to you...
i hope it will go well, miss... and yet it is for everyone...i find that so.... weird.... i actually think the light video was the best way to explain it...
well...um...sir... i'm evil and have my evil laugh but i don't laugh like that... red eyes would be good though...
w-why's that, miss? your hair was pretty in your picture...
can a sinister person be happy?... well...i am... i feel different... ... mabye my avatar doesn't fit with the name...
what....? ... oh... sinister.... SINISTER!!
...i-i'm sorry...for talking to much, miss... but i'll show you.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYyZfME5XYY i have told everyone i am eveil...and yet..none believed me...do you now, sir?
but it didn't really sound evil did it... a funny thing i discovered is that in the game Heart of darkness... they actually have shadows as enemies...they look a little like a comic version of neoshadows... also...even though the game is rated for everyone they still show a death scene where a flying shadow brake's the kids neck... amusing...
use it if you want to, miss... but it didn't feel right having my username after both a book and a game... also... it was wrong...i am darkness....i have no heart...
my darkness is growing...i'm not in the list...good... but not good that you go away... please take care...
sinister i would never have any of those names, miss! you are our supreme ruler and bunnies are cute, fluffy and cuddly little creatures with extroadinary charm...
i hope more people join in soon... oh, um...i'm changing my username... are you mad?
i-i'm sorry if iv'e been a burden to anyone here... also, my queen... i want the egg to hatch but..um...how many poked does he require....?
um...yes, miss skittles... goodness....you are in a lot of groups!
i am darkness...i cannot lighten up... sorry...um...i just felt tempted to do that... um... i hope it goes well, miss!
....it's hard to lose this trait... um...anyways... what did the poet thingy-idea do?
.... 'tis my nature....um...especially around kind and smart girls.... i know...i'm a coward...
uh...um....but...oh...um... of course, miss... i am only to serve...