oh....um...i'm sorry... what..happened?
did you have a good vacation, sir?
wow.... ... i don't really know what to say... it's...very nice!
i'm sorry sir.... i'm here because i wont be here much at all soon... but i see you a bit 7/10...
no your not! don't believe the bars! everyone here is attractive but me!! ....wait....i sound.......odd...
...or mabye people can de-rep me.... wait...i'm not posting a picture of me to prove it!! it would burn people eyes out... i'm an ugly beast and i shall prove it somehow....without hurting anyone...
10/10 iv'e seen you a lot... and um...i changed my name yesterday...um...thank you for noticing!
it's a lie!! how can a green bar tell the persons......attractiveness...? i'm sorry....but it can't...otherwise the bar should have at least 10 red bars for me...
i actually saw you for the first time when you had a pic of yourself in your profile, sir... hehe...but my identity shall remain secret....
....am i somewhere in between? i'm not handsome or anything... i'm uuuuugly!!
this reminds me... why isn't anyone using a sword AND a shield together? .... i usually take the sword and give up the staff...but i'd rather use my claws...
10/10 of course you are!
hello sir...do you feel well...? i have none of the handheld consoles...pity...
...oh....um.. i might do that then.... um...thank you, miss!
ah! sorry... but um... how long have you had it, sir? you must be way better than me....
am i the only one who loves that game?
nice to see you again, sir...
....i-i'm not human... i am a beast and an evil one... i am also very stubborn.... and....i suck...
i am....so evil that i do my evil things....uh...for pleasure.... isn't that evil...?
my hair switches colour... i cant think myself with only one...