hehe....yeah...but i still like it...
um...... 8...for sig i'm unsure on the avy...... my sig finally got bigger, yay!
i think....that if i had a shadow...it would be the opposite of me... it would be kind, caring and friendly... so....am i my own shadow...or is everything i think i am just a thought i made up...? ..... .... nah...
she's a full blooded ninja now, sir!
i am fine.......you sir? and sir r-s... well.....that is my resemblance.....almost... and...well...i am a servant and slave...i think you already own me...
i have finally found a bunny picture which resembles me... although i still think he looks to nice....
eh....um....miss himura? the sig is bigger now! thank you again for making it!! *bows*
wow.... i read all the information you answered there.... and i have to thank all of you with my sincerest gratitude.... thank you very much!! i had the same problem...but it got solved easily because all of you... t-thank you!
really well done, miss!
dancing... i hope you will get well, miss!! w-who is that...? sorry for asking...
um.... i noticed that you have started writing in threads as well as here with your pretty rainbow coloring, miss...
mabye luxord... possibly for his defensive time abilities... but i think all the org members would never want to ally with me....
i actually think that most humans would use the power they had gained just for themselves... i am not saying that anyone here would do it...but i think that it's highly likely that humans would just use whatever power they would gain for themselves... ... i'm sorry if anyone takes offence...
s-shouldn't it be the opposite? my main username is sinister...i am sinister... um...i didn't mean the movie twilight, sir... although...i have never seen it.. i meant to use my darkness and send the school to a psuedo between darkness and light until the architecture rots....
whaaaa!!!? another sven!? i'm not alone!! .... um......my name is not sven...
... yes....i see it fitting for my persona.... thank you for noticing, miss skittles...
understood... charging twilight corrupter...
we have a swedish then, i guess... shall i kill the teachers as well?
how are they, sir? um...sorry... shall i smite them as well?
...shall i smite the school, miss?