is very... peaceful...
but i am still a bad person... you are very helpful and nice, miss...
you too, sir... i have brought everything for everyone...including your coffee, sir... and i have also made this night infinite... meaning that you can have a romantic time if you want... me...spend my time...alone...forever...
...a um....very cute cat...
thank you for that....'t know how to put videos up like that...
well...he/she actually dies the boss after that... but if you mean only the one i showed you...then yes... people have beaten it without a single death...
it's 1 hour and 40 minutes over here... but...i have never hated new years eve as much as now....
but you are very nice, miss... i don't think anyone can disapprove that...
um...fine... can you at least ease your burden on me to help you feel better, miss... it's not fun to see someone as great as you troubled by...
and yet they keep trying to do it... no has ever done it without losing at least 1 life i heard... you, miss... has this 2008 been a good year for you, miss?
is it serious!? um...if you say so... but i'm ready to assist whenever you ask for it, miss! too, miss... but you said you had burdens... can i help you with something?
don't eat them, sir... they taste horrible...
well done, miss... shouldn't touch the zombies, since the cell system can spread... although he is freezed...the zombie cells cannot die... *creates a dark portal which swallows another zombie* but by feeding myself with their organic still living flesh..i can harvest nourishment... have to pierce their brains but it's not always possible since some zombies...well....monsters don't have the brain-cell system as we do... if so...destroy the whole body...
eh...uh... d-don't mention it... also, sir... i think nemesis is chasing after you... and he never stops until one is dead... be careful...
it shall be done.... i'll also brought you a kunai and shuriken, miss... um...for your training...