He blocked the blaster fire coming at them. A Sith with a vibroblade started slashing madly, not wanting to let two high targets get away. Zarach cut him down without a single glance at the man who had attacked. " I don't matter. I'm most likely dead even if I get off this planet."
" I can't go with you. I'm a Sith." OOC: I have to go for like four hours at the most... another long car trip.... bbl.....
OOC: I have to go for like four hours at the most.... bbl. plus they aren't OC's so if you want them to live start controlling them!
"Heiro, kill whoever wanted EXCEPT these two They're mine."
"Die fighting here or if I survive go into hiding for the rest of my life." He deflected a barrage of blaster fire. " The important thing is that you and your Master get off this planet and back to the Jedi Temple. I'll make sure you get to the ship."
"I didn't think so. Now, I'm afriad I have to kill both of you because you're here. Jak, why didn't you listen to me?"
" He didn't send them WITH me. He sent them AFTER me." He chopped a blaster in half, causing it to explode. " Call your Master to get you out of here."
"How are you helping people by forcing things on them?" He threw a small dagger at him.
" My uncle's. he wouldn't leave me alone. The only time he relaxes about me and my 'traitorous' thoughts. He won't ever trust me. I don't want him to." His lightsaber sprang into his awaiting hand and he slashed through three Troopers.
" And for one thing, stop playing god and trying to heal everyone you see. It's plain out annoying. Leave it to the people to see if they want to be fixed. I'm not stopping Heiro, he can go back to his life. But me, I like myself the way I am now."
"Go ahead. I could care less about what happened to them."
"Oh, you noticed them." He punched right next to him and a Sith Trooper went flying into a wall.
"Go ahead and finish the fight we started. Not like I won't die any path I take."
" Jak, did you ever think it would come to this?"
" If I go back I'll be killed and if I don't then I'll be hiding for the rest of my life." He acted as if it wasn't serious.
OOC: I'll get him over here....
"It looks like I can say it to you myself, Jak." He grinned. " And show you why I don't want to go back to who I was."
"Because of the Sith you met earlier. He's my uncle." He replied. " I always looked up to him, and as a Nagai, I was all but Dark-Sided by blood."
OOC: I have some info, but I'm like four hours away from town, man :P BIC: The knife simply shattered. " And one more thing. If you meet a Half-Demon named Jak, tell him, 'get lost, sincerely from James.' "
"You do know what I've done by letting you live, right?" He asked her. He referred to both of them being alive, but it was mainly about her being alive.