Zarach had decided as soon as the word 'parents' had been spoken that he had to leave her for now... He'd come back later. He knew how big it was to find your parents after so long.
"You die once. And once you die, be scared because there will be nothing else happy for you to look forward to."
Zarach patiently watched from a shadow. He was still considering this a dumb idea.
"You know, I could have killed him myself?" he said to her. OOC: btw that was powerplaying.....
Zarach's right arm was useless until he was able to get it healed. Dangling there, it was more a whip than an arm. He put in coordinates for his ship to land at. It was a rogue camp that he'd had to take care of years ago. Not that he regretted destroying them. They had tormented both Light and Dark sided peoples. But he wasn't a Sith. Not after what he'd done. He wasn't even much like a Nagai any more. A rogue Force user was what he had been reduced to. OOC: my grandma is here at my house.... I've gtg.
He kept just out of her or her ships visibility. She would find out if she got into a bad situation. He would be there immediately. Helping her like he had at the hanger. It was true. It amazed him what he would be willing to do. He was practically acting as a guardian angel by choice. He had been stabbed in the shoulder, slashed in the chest multiple times, and he suspected poisoned. But he was able to kill the poison with the Force. It had no effect on him.
OOC: gtg have breakfast quickly.... brb! edit: back. BIC: " I'll make sure you have someone looking over you so whenever you're in trouble, there's no need to worry...." He muttered to himself. She should know that he had nothing else in his life.... All eh could do was make sure she wasn't hurt.
Zarach struggled to get up from the floor of the ship he was in. There were scorch marks from where blaster bolts had been sent at him. His hologram projector supposedly hadn't worked for more than about ten seconds since a large space battle where the ship and it's dead crew had drifted for around two years. Tilra had wanted to make sure he survived, so he gave her the ten seconds he could.
The projector flickered to life and showed Zarach laughing and laying on the ground. The laugh was also mixed with pain. " What I would do for a girl..." Then it went dead.
"Nope. I only get scared when I'm dead." he replied honestly.
Zarach slammed open the door, dived in, and it closed. Tilra's hologram projector had an incoming message from an unknown i.d.
"Too bad," He made a pouty face. " you'll be dead by that time."
OOC: ya.... and it's disturbing what Heiro's doing.....
" Too late to turn back what I've done." He sent out a massive pulse of energy, leaving around five Troopers alive. Those he cut down. The effects of the injuries he had sustained were taking their toll, now. His arm went limp, the bone actually been cut neatly in half from the blade. He wouldn't live through another fight. He stumbled, using the Force to guide himself, to the secret hanger.
Zarach kept blocking the blaster bolts, having to go through the whole army of Troopers to get to his own ship in a secret hanger as far as possible away from the hanger they were in. He stood his ground, fighting the masses of Sith. He didn't expect to survive. He had never. Ever since he had spared Tilra and Rayce.
" Nothing will happen from one little hit." He kept deflecting the bolts, sending the back into the crowd of Troopers.
"I told you I would help you get off the planet. And I intend not to die until you do. They won't stop me no matter how many times they shot, stab, or slash away at me. NOW KEEP MOVING." He slashed through a group of enemies, then moved back to his position blocking blaster bolts. " All that would happen if I went with you was I would be cut off from the force and sent to a Republic prison world."
" I have no where to go." he replied, still fighting until a Trooper managed to stab him right through the shoulder. He send a storm of lightning at him, leaving a smoking carcass as what had once been a heavily armored man. He pulled out the blade, throwing it at a group of Sith Troopers standing in wonder at Zarach being stabbed.
OOC: right now I can kinda see James or Heiro singing Animal I've become for some reason... I've been listening to too much Three Days Grace...... BIC: " Now, Jak, come and try to kill me...." He laughed. " But you won't succeed..." He added under his breath.
OOC: perfectly o.k.