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  1. BlackKeyblade706
    "Ooh little Demon girl threatening me. Do everyone a favor and crawl back into the whole you came from. At least people will know what you are there."
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. BlackKeyblade706
    OOC: ya it is. but Sythe's a heartless son of a Shutta.

    Flashback #2:

    Zarach woke up in a bacta tank, a long and deep scar going from his shoulder to his left hip. His lightsaber was cut in half. There was a area from where a vibroblade hand impaled him through the chest, nearly missing his heart. A medical droid came over and started getting him out.

    Sythe watched. He had sensed an untapped energy in Zarach that couldn't go unnoticed. Warning Lord Terena would be smartest. But first he had to make sure Zarach never found out unless they showed him. He practically had temporary immunity. The scars on Sythe gave proof. They weren't as bad as Zarach's but warned Sythe to be careful. A Sith Trooper had luckily been there to get Zarach before he had gone any further after him.

    Zarach growled at the droid, which shut down from the pulse of Dark Energy from him. The Bacta tank blew open and he hopped out lightly.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    OOC: what Animal I've Become is about:

    It's not the best feeling when you lose control of yourself so much that you've become a different person. That's really what the song is about.

    which goes towards both of them. But Thanks For The Memories ( Fall Out Boy) works for James, also. I listen to too much music....

    BIC: " It's not that way. We'd know each other no matter what. We've known each other too long. And it won't be fun to kill him when he's still weak. I want all his training to fight me be for nothing. All he'll feel then is regret and misery. It would be more fun than if I killed him now." He then turned to Heiro. " You're freaking me out now."
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    "We'll need to if we're gonna get in. And Jak'll recognize me no matter what."
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    He chuckled slightly. " You chasing your tail?"

    OOC: I have to go to bed... I'll be on tomorrow.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    "If you can't, then how'd you just say that?" He didn't even turn his head.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    "You seem to be pretty one-minded compared to before you were bitten. Can you still even talk?" he asked Heiro, taking off to find a fight for Heiro.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    OOC: I dunno. If you did it soon it would increase pressures even more.. and yes, they are. And Heiro's acting like a dog from heck. Instead of licking water or dirt, he's licking blood.

    BIC: " Heiro, wanna go find something else that you can get at?"
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. BlackKeyblade706
    He moaned, causing more blood to spill out.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    " Oh, and I'll see you there." He added over his shooulder, leaving the clearing and walking through the forest until waiting for Ashita. He whistled for Heiro to come, also.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    " I offered to let you live, Jak. But you decline. I'll kill you next time we meet. Ashita, let's go. There's no reason to stay." He turned his back on Jak, walking away.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    " Why would you choose to die at my hands, Jak? You know what you want as I know what I want. Now choose it." He parried the blow and attacked back at him.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    " There's a way you can survive this, Jak. You know you want to." He followed through with a upward slash.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    He caught the knife and dropped it into it's pouch. He then pulled out his katana and blocked the furied attack. " Keep letting it out, Jak..... Don't stop. Keep going." He sent out a pulse of energy.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    He stopped the blade and threw a knife at Jak from point blank, The knife was covered with a dark liquid.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    James slid away from the sword and kneed at Jak's stomach.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. BlackKeyblade706
    " Pretty beliefs that'll get you nowhere in life."
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. BlackKeyblade706

    Demon War

    " Good boy, Jak. Now just let it out fully. Let the beast break it's cage. Don't keep mending the cracks. Just let it keep going." James charged at Jak, his fist radiating with energy.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. BlackKeyblade706
    Flashback # 1:
    Zarach walked into where his parents had lived. Having heard a lightsaber extinguished, he had dashed in. " Mo-!"

    Sythe stood there, his lightsabers still out but not on. Both of Zarach's parents were put in a bloddy pile, multiple body parts missing. " Zarach, leave." Sythe yelled.

    " Uncle..... Why?" Zarach was crying openly. Any five-year-old would cry about this.

    " They were weak and held bonds better destroyed." Sythe re-ignited his lightsabers. Zarach already had his out. At that point Zarach was only a Sith Assassin trainee, no match at all for a Sith Lord.

    " Uncle Sythe, kill me now like you killed them." He noticed a third body. It was the body of Sythe's own lover, mutilated nearly beyond recognition.

    All Sythe did was slash straight across Zarach's wide open chest.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. BlackKeyblade706
    He coughed out more blood, where it continued to drip down his face and make a small pool on the ground.
    Post by: BlackKeyblade706, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home