Zarach had watched it all, knowing that she knew he was there because of the first day. But now he had to do something of his own before following her again.
'Told you I wouldn't die.' He mouthed back, suddenly disappearing. The reason was clear. A group of warriors were right where he had been a second ago.
He silently arrived, knowing it was training and watched with slight amusement.
OOC: bad fever. BIC: He left the tent he had slept in and took a rations pack from outside. He ate them quickly and lazily started leaving camp.
Zarach slowly got up and got moving. He wouldn't waste time.
OOC: lol I'm too sick to walk three feet to my computer so I'm using a laptop to do this. BIC: Zarach woke up. " More like nightmares where I saw through my uncles eyes..." He said to himself. It wasn't the first time it had happened. He was able to play back memories from other people's perspectives if he wanted. But he hadn'r wanted to remember that.
OOC: ~spoiler removed~
OOC: I would hate to be in Darkness's place when you lose your patience... It makes me shudder...... ( hint about my diabolical plot: removed
OOC: Just randomly run into one of them or hear Sapphire and Bones ( It's fun interrupting them :xp: ) but I haveta wait faw Dinesty to get on so I'm wasting poeple's time..
OOC: exactly I'm doing it when Dinesty's on 'cause it'll Change Anna's view of Pyre the most.
" Sorry puppy-dogs, but I've got to report to my leader about this. I'm simply sent to watch." He hopped into the forest, heading back to the camp.
OOC: after I've done what I've planned I'll make him get hold of the video somehow and use it to blackmail them... XD nah he'll just have it. and still blackmail depending on how it turns out what he's gonna do. I wonder when I should actually do something BIC......
"Of course you know him. You two could be legendary at this rate."
" Is the little puppy-dog having a fit? I think someone needs to learn a lesson."
OOC: for half a second before Bones decides to lay in the bed, waking them both up. And I'm very good at choosing the best time to ruin moments that would have never been forgotten if it weren't for him. But when he interrupts you two, it becomes best forgotten. And he won't do it now, because I have something planned for Pyre. ~grins slyly/evilly while laughing maniacaly.~ Something that will change his persona for the rest of this RP and any that comes after this.
" Because, I have a mission I'm not going to end for two little puppies."
OOC: every about 45 pages you'll see me or Dinesty post...... lol. And how the heck am I supposed to know where he is?! Not like I know him in real life. And I'll make sure to watch for a good time to interrupt you guys. But last time that happened there was hostility between Bones and Pyre..... btw they never went in that double date that they were gonna do.. And they ( as in all four of them) seem to never sleep...
" I serve my leader. And everyone knows he'll be the one to kill you. So I won't."
" I wasn't invisible. You were simply lacking the insight to see that I'm fast enough to get out of the way of your attempts at finding me."
OOC: wow I haven't RPed here for a LONG time. I've been pretty busy with other threads and didn't want to interrupt you guys... But I answered Foxxie's questions which made me pay more attention to here. and TDGW, you didn't know what french kissing was?