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  1. Chad Thundercucc
    It's cool bro. I'd be mad if my username was as bad as yours too. lol[DOUBLEPOST=1450685953][/DOUBLEPOST]

    Huh, didn't know The Mars Volta was metal-influenced. Not bad. The production is a bit too clean for my taste though.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Dec 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Chad Thundercucc
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Dec 15, 2015, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Chad Thundercucc
    KH1's plot twist was the Riku was evil. COM's plot twist was that Riku and Mickey were in the castle. KH2's plot twist was that Ansem isn't Ansem, that Sora was actually helping the organization by killing heartless and Riku had Ansem's Heartless's body. BBS's plot twist was that Vanitas looked like Sora. DDD's plot twists were that Xehanort can time travel, Lea gets a keyblade, and the organization is alive again. Day's plot twist was that Xion was a replica of Sora's memories. Not sure what Coded's was since I didn't play it.

    But my point is that the games have a history of having plot twists. The question is, what will the plot twist for this one be?
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Dec 12, 2015, 5 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Chad Thundercucc
    Whelp, guess I found my new main.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Nov 12, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  5. Chad Thundercucc



    But really though? No new worlds yet? C'mon Nomura. Pick up the pace.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Nov 10, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Chad Thundercucc
    So, we all know how off-putting KH must be to the casual fan now that it has been on multiple gaming consoles, and has a convoluted story. Of course, Square tried to appease the casual KH fan by re-releasing handheld titles onto the PS3, but even this isn't enough for some (some of my friends who didn't play the handheld games won't play the ones on PS3 because of the confusing number titles, or the fact that they don't own a PS3).

    They're now releasing the final installment of remasters on the PS4, which is great news for fans who have either played all of the handheld games and own a PS4, or who have both a PS3 and PS4 and are gonna be caught up on the story. But it isn't great news for people who don't fall into either of these categories.

    Do you guys think that Square should somehow put in some extra effort to try to win back the casual fanbase (and if so, how?), or do you think that Kingdom Hearts is far too inaccessible at this point for the casual fan?
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Nov 10, 2015, 2 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Chad Thundercucc
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Oct 20, 2015, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Chad Thundercucc
    Thank God. Now I don't have to live up to my parents' expectations.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Chad Thundercucc
    A little disappointed by the length of BBS0.2.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Sep 26, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Chad Thundercucc
    This may be the best song I've made yet.

    (Also, it's not a remix. Me and this other dude used the same sample, so I just labeled it as a remix to get more traffic.)
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Sep 25, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Chad Thundercucc
    Critical mode easier than proud mode? Naw. Maybe at the beginning, considering that you get a considerable amount of abilities and a boost in attack stats. Plus your health is cut in half. And bosses that were a breeze in proud mode turned out to be a challenge for me in critical mode, so no, I wouldn't say proud mode is easier.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Aug 19, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Chad Thundercucc


    This is some next level ****. We are in the future, people. It's finally happened. We're finally living in the same time that Her took place. I can't fathom this.

    This will probably be the coolest addition to my new apartment.
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Aug 17, 2015, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Chad Thundercucc
    If it means more Tatyana Ali, I'm all for it. That woman is gorgeous.
    I can definitely see where you're coming from with this. But if they can somehow replicate the original show's quality of comedy, or surpass it, then I think it's worth a revisit. Not many sitcoms are on Fresh Prince's level of quality, and if they can somehow get the Fresh Prince's writers back in a room, then I think this reboot has some potential.

    Except, Fresh Prince isn't either?
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Aug 14, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Chad Thundercucc

    Tell me khv. Does this get you going?
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Aug 12, 2015, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Chad Thundercucc
    Ooh, Guerilla Toss is pretty funky.

    And cool! At least you still got a shirt. I was gonna get a Perfect Pussy record but then I consider that lo-fi music would kind of sound like **** on vinyl lol. I actually saw Perfect Pussy live at their New Year's Eve show in Brooklyn. It was a 21+ and up thing, so I tried using my fake ID, but to no avail. I pleaded with the bouncer, saying I would just be there to see my favorite bands (Mykki Blanco, Perfect Pussy, Jimmy Eat Acid, and Frankie Cosmos and her boyfriend were there). She made me wait a little outside, and then put me on the guestlist. I met this one dude who looked like a college student, but was actually 37. Apparently being a long-term vegetarian is the key to youth. He knew Frankie Cosmos, and I got to say hi to her and talk to her and her bf (her bf was performing, she was just there as support). Anyway, PP's set was loud as hell and just intense with energy. I even got to hold/shake hands with Meredith during the performance, I was so close. Great show.

    And sweet, you should definitely see them in Queens.

    Have you heard of Joanna Gruesome? They've toured with Perfect Pussy, and they're great as well. Highly recommend them.

    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jul 25, 2015 in forum: Music
  16. Chad Thundercucc
    Dude! I'm so jealous. Goreshit is amazing. Which album did he have that he made a physical release, but each cd had unique artwork, with manga page cutouts on them?
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jul 20, 2015 in forum: Music
  17. Chad Thundercucc
    Got a few new records, cassettes, or CDs recently? Come share a pic of them in this thread and what you think of them, and rate other people's recent purchases.


    Going clockwise, we got:

    Flying Lotus - You're Dead!

    Really great jazzy/electronic album. Probably one of my AOTY so far.

    This Town Needs Guns -

    Great math rock/emo-revival band, reminiscent of American Football, but better. Great guitar work. Can't believe it's only 3 guys in the band.

    Wu-Tang Clan - 36 Chambers

    I don't think this needs any introduction. Quintessential rap album, with griddy rhymes and even griddier beats.

    Tame Impala - Innerspeaker

    My favorite Tame Impala record that fuses modern day alt rock, with neo-psychedlica. Definitely worth a listen.

    Adventures - Supersonic Home

    Indie rawk/emo-revival band with a female vocalists. Never realized how much emo-revival needed female vocals until I heard this record. l=
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Jul 20, 2015, 11 replies, in forum: Music