What happened?
In the face.
5) FFXV 4) Persona 5 3) Mirror's Edge 2 2) KH 2.8 1) Overwatch You heard it here first folks. Honerable mention to Mighty No. 9. What about you guys? What are your top 5?
Their new sound has potential to me, but I really miss their hectic guitar work and its prominence. Virtue, Into the Earth and Only He Can Heal Me are my favorites on there. Thoughts?
never b4 heard sounds s e n p a i
Would you guys like to have second visits to worlds in order to move along the story, kind of like how KH2 did? Why or why not?
I wish to cancel my next wish.
>tfw the girl you're talking to loves Sailor Moon, but hasn't seen Madoka yet I can't wait to show it to her. I wish for $1 Billion in my bank account.
I think it's great how SE can make boss battles so difficult and yet have it possible to beat without having to use any of the special abilities at your disposal. How many tries did it take you?
Well, KHFM and BBSFM aren't really worth being released in the US on their own. But KH2FM was definitely worth being released in the US, it had 14 extra bosses (not including the absent silhouettes and Roxas fight that was originally just a cutscene), a new difficulty, a new drive form, new missions and new collectibles. It was pretty much a completely new game, and they could've marketed it as such in the US.
The only good Christmas songs: Spoiler
What did you get your loved ones for Christmas this year? I got my gf a cool R2D2 wallet and Star Wars hat. I got her mom a little gift box from Bath and Body Works. I got her sister a scarf and I got her brother a $20 Steam card for dem Christmas sales. I got my older bro a nice dress shirt, got my little bro a Spiderman hat, and got my dad a card (he's a simple guy). Got a friend of mine a blue cardigan and another friend of mine a scarf I thought she'd like.
But those are the same people who bought the handheld games, which mostly did good. Non-superfans probably have only played KH1 and KH2 and think that they've played all of Kingdom Hearts, or think that the handheld games were unnecessary. Hell, I'd be even be pressed to say that most non-superfans probably haven't even played the remasters. And even if there wasn't a big demand for it in the states, there definitely was an even smaller demand for KH V-Cast and Re:Coded, and they both got released here. Therefore the only reason for it to have not been released in the states, but in Japan instead, is: favoritism. But that's you. Not everyone is like you. It'll be hard for me, as someone who watches tons of KH-related youtubers, to avoid spoilers for a Japanese game that came out months before the English version. And spoilers is a valid reason, just because you can avoid it doesn't mean everyone can, especially when there are trolls out there who's main purpose in life is to spoil things. So there is a reason. This reason. I'm not discussing the re-releases (or lack thereof) of FF games, because I'm not informed in that and is completely independent of the fact that KH1FM, KH2FM and BBSFM all came out exclusively in Japan years before coming to the US in a HD remaster. See how two of my original bullet points say Dropping games in Japan earlier than the rest of the world. Only Japan gets Final Mix versions of games So, no, we're not veering pretty far from my original post.
This I disagree with. Square Enix needs pressure, or else KH3 is gonna miss ANOTHER console generation, just like it missed the last gen. All these KH3 trailers don't say "Coming Soon" at the end, but they say "Now in Development". Nomura is a known stickler for detail, which I appreciate him for, but unrest from fans is the kick in the pants I think he needs or else we won't get a release date until 2018 and KH3 won't be released until 2020. Hell, if it wasn't for Disney coming in and saying "Alright, that's enough, we need KH3" after KH3D came out, we'd be getting Birth By Sleep Volume 2 right now instead of KH0.2 and KH3. The entitlement is reasonable. If it weren't for us, they wouldn't be making money, and KH wouldn't even exist if people hadn't shown interest in the original KH trailer when it came out. There's no reason they can't do it simultaneously with the Japanese version and release them at the same time other than "Ok, let's take care of Japan first and then get to everyone else." Yes, Square is a Japanese company, but like I said, this game has heavy American involvement as well. Spoiler You sure about that? Because I'm pretty sure no one asked for this. None of those reasons are apparent, so I can't think of it as anything other than a **** you to Americans. SE loves being exclusive with certain ****, so I can't give them the benefit of the doubt here, personally. That doesn't change the fact that they gave it exclusively to Japan back in the day for a good amount of time. The modern day equivalent of that would be releasing DLC for a game only in Japan and then releasing the DLC everywhere else years later, after the initial hype of said DLC, and long after people stopped playing the game. Like I said, to Square, anything outside of Japan is an afterthought.
Yeah, 5-7 years later. As a hardcore American KH fan, it's a bit of a slap in the face to think that Square Enix would assume that only Japan would want these improved versions. Yeah...years later. Again, they're giving us the short end of the stick for whatever reason. And sure, this is developed by a Japanese company, but it also is a joint venture with an American company (whom's IP makes up almost half of the game), so it's a little crappy knowing that they're playing favorites with certain countries over others. If it were a few days, maybe a week early I'd understand. But usually the release dates are several months apart, and then to add insult to injury, they usually drop a final mix version exclusive to Japan a few months after all the other regions get their releases. It feels like we're just an after-thought for them.
Showing trailers months early at exclusive events that cost tons of money, and not disclosing if they'd release it to the public or not. Dropping games in Japan earlier than the rest of the world. Only Japan gets Final Mix versions of games Kingdom Hearts Chi & KH Coded were originally only for Japan. For a game series that has both American and Japanese involvement, it sure does like to play favorites. And that's really annoying and unfair, in my opinion. What do you guys think?
I'm playing some Star Wars Battlefront and Final Fantasy Type-0. What's everyone's PSN names? Mine is Boku_No_Pyro.