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  1. Chad Thundercucc
    I like these. Top one reminds me of Radiohead a little bit haha.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jun 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Chad Thundercucc
    How was Rolling Girls, btw? I've been meaning to get back into it, but I never got around to it.

    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jun 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Chad Thundercucc
    But 0.2 is 30 fps right?
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jun 15, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Chad Thundercucc
    Gee, I'm so excited for KH 9.8.

    I wonder if that confirms a final mix version of KH3 though.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jun 15, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Chad Thundercucc
    Uh, that was kind of an awkward last line to end an action/adventure video game trailer on lol.

    But overall, yeah, I'm pretty hyped. The graphics and lighting effects look amazing, I can't wait to play it.

    EDIT: Woah, was she in Traverse Town? Because I love that world.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jun 8, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Chad Thundercucc
    They're all 10/10 classics with several grammy nominations and have sold billions of plastic blu-ray cases across the globe, alone.

    Get out of your Eurocentric bubble, it's 20XX man. This isn't nazi Germany.

    SAO is **** btw fam tbh smh tru tho.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Chad Thundercucc
    Yes. It also has SAO.

    I also didn't realize your first post was an actual question, so to answer: The entire Monogatari series, Sora no Otoshimono, B Gata H Kei, Kirino Mosaic, To Love Ru, Maria Holic, Mirai Nikki, Claymore and Lain to name a few. Not to mention classics like Tenchi Muyo, Sailor Moon and Galaxy Angel. I'm hella impressed.

    The sky is also blue.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Chad Thundercucc
    Hulu has My Life as a Teenage Robot, so it wins by default.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Chad Thundercucc
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 30, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Chad Thundercucc
    I was just casually scrolling through Hulu's anime section expecting it to look a lot like Netflix's poor selection, but I was blown away at all of the good and obscure anime they had, and I'm only on "A", I haven't even gotten through the whole list yet. I prefer downloading much more to streaming, but it's nice to have.

    Netflix might be good with older movies, but Hulu seems to have the upper hand in currently airing shows and anime.
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, May 30, 2016, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Chad Thundercucc
    The website has been used as a credited source for many publications. Unfortunately, the page for the background info you're looking for is no longer there. So you're right, it could be biased. But if you know anything about Biology, the less something is used, the more likely it is to shrink. So sure, not all of the details are there, but it is consistent with what we know about how the world works, and the study is coming from a university, one of the most credible sources for research.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Chad Thundercucc
    It doesn't say that everyone who uses a gps will have their hippocampus deteriorate. The study suggests that there is a direct correlation between continued gps use and deterioration of the hippocampus, which backs up my previous statements. You suggested that I made things up, so I posted some research that supports my claims.

    And sure, it can be biased, but what does a university gain by lying about gps use? You're grasping at straws here.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Chad Thundercucc
    Except I'm not though.

    So you know, I'm kinda right.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Chad Thundercucc
    Oh hi there.
    Eh, I just see her as the least useful tank. Her damage levels off way too quickly.

    Her ultimate is easy to avoid, and Winston's ultimate does a better job of clearing out Bastions/snipers. Reinhardt's shield does a better job at blocking ammo.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Chad Thundercucc
    I personally don't see the appeal. She kinda just does no damage and then blows up.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Chad Thundercucc
    Yay, you got my point. Proud of you. ; ) [DOUBLEPOST=1464094580][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Replace "sense of direction" with "memory". Obviously you could find your way there with gps and remember it from then on, but you're less likely to and might depend on it more often.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Chad Thundercucc
    Practice matches don't count.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Chad Thundercucc
    sent ; )
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Chad Thundercucc
    That's why you have to stock up on maps. You don't know where you're gonna go.

    Yeah, stop that.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Chad Thundercucc
    There was a time in which getting from point A to point B without being familiar with the area could be considered difficult. Now that it has become so easy thanks to gps, I think that we could potentially lose a natural part of ourselves: a sense of direction. We're so dependent on technology, that we won't be able to do certain things (like tell directions) without them. At least reading a map is a skill, following directions from Siri is not so much.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, May 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone