Ooh, this is good...very suspensful...keep it up! :)
Basically what Repliku said! To put shortly, Nobodies are special beings, requiring special weapons to defeat them.
Awesome! Great job! :) :glomp:
Since you know the drill...welcome! :) Need anything, pm me or the staff! Enjoy yourself here! :glomp:
That sounds intriguing...I can't wait for you to start posting it! :)
Hmm...I like the first one, the color one, and the always being in your heart. :) Those are good. Just go with your intuition!
Somewhat...I was happier, since I was so innocent, but now, I suppose I'm more matured, which should be better, so I can handle responsibility better...
Basically. The site's always interesting to explore, and to give your opinion, and to make plenty of friends of course. :)
Nope...I've seen shows where people have become absolutely obsessed with it, but whether it's really that bad...I have no idea...I always wanted to try it once, but I never did...
Wow, that's good...the grammar, spelling, story...keep it up! It's awesome! XD :glomp:
Hmm...this is pretty good...but like Orange said, keep an eye on the grammar and such, and you'll do even better. Keep it up, I can't wait to see what happens next. :)
Exactly what Orange said. :) Either that, or the people heard a false rumor...
Since you know the rules...welcome! Need anything, pm me or any of the staff! :) Enjoy yourself here! :glomp:
Since you know the rules, welcome! :) Enjoy yourself here! :glomp: Need anything, pm me or any of the staff! :)
"I...I am..." Kairi nodded, her hands clasped tightly together. "Thank you very much for helping me...but what exactly were you trying to do, if I may ask?"
Well, you never know, it might. :) If not, it doesn't matter. You'll always be a great friend to me, whether you're famous or not!
lol Even so, you'd still need 100 rep...but I suppose it's a nice dream. :) Whatever makes you happy!
Well, of course I'd get you a present too! If I can, I'm going to try to give every member one...since some don't get any at all, so I want everyone to be happy on their special day... I'll remember that! :)
Happy birthday Stardust. :) I hope you have a good birthday! I'll be giving you a late gift, so I hope that's okay...
Oh, okay...good...if so, I wouldn't have enough time to prepare a present for you! :) Every member of kh-vids always deserve a nice birthday...so um, when's your real birthday, if I may ask?