That's too bad...I had fun RPing with you and hearing your kind words about my poems...but enjoy yourself on your break, as long as you return here. :) *hugs*
Well, someone needs to approve of it first, before it shows up so it'll take some time, since there's so many people uploading videos...but don't worry, it'll show up eventually. :)
OOC: Sorry but uh...what was I suppoed to reply to? :sweatdrop:
Hey everyone! :) :glomp:
Ooh, pretty good...although I have to admit, it has just a tiny bit of trouble keeping my attention...but otherwise, it's doing awesome! XD Just make it move just a little bit faster, but anyhow...keep it up! :glomp:
Uh...some sort of digimon? I have no idea. XD
I've never been hypnotized...but I think it is possible...only if a person is weak-minded though.
Hmm...not moves enough...but it ought to have a little making it flash or easing in, out more...etc...but otherwise, this was pretty good. :) Great job! :glomp:
lol Well, I can't take credit for coming up with the scenario friends had a large hand in giving me the ideas. XD But anyway, thanks. :)'s just like a trailer...I like it. :) It's a nice tribute for friendship...
Nice story, very intriguing plot, but the grammar could use just a little bit of work. For instance, this sentence: "I dunno about this, guys" said riku. he thought. "okay. I'll come." Could be: "I dunno about this, guys," said Riku as he contemplated about it. "...Alright, I'll come." A variety of words keep it fresh, and correct punctuation, and making lengthy sentences is good (not run-over sentences though). Make sure that if the dialogue ends with a period, it should have a comma instead, and the 'he' or 'she' afterwards is lower-cased, except for names. And the start of each dialogue should be capitalized. Otherwise, the story is awesome! The plot is really thickening, and I can't wait to see what happens next. :)
Aww, you don't type that badly!! I mean, you can do it if you try, I've seen it before. :) So just keep learning from your mistakes, improving, and in the end, you'll be a great writer! For me, I kept having to change it because I'm just a perfectionist on my own grammar/spelling mistakes, or story plot drives my own self crazy, like I said. XDD lol Thanks, and yeah, I ought to stop writing so's so much of a habit of mines, it's hard to stop. XDD
lol Thanks. I always having confusing atmospheres it seems. XDD :glomp:
Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :)
Thanks!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :D Happy belated birthday! XD :glomp:
lol Thanks! :glomp: And yeah it did...I had to redo it like four times...and I'm not drove me crazy. XDD
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :) :glomp:
Thanks! :) I'm glad you liked it! Ironically, it's also Larxene month I see. XDD
Thanks! :) I'm glad you like it! And I hope she will!!
Hmm, nice...although there was just a little error in the grammar...for instance, the dialogue...instead of: “We were wrong. Everything’s changed.†Sora said without even looking at his friend. “What made you change your mind.†The blond asked. Should be: “We were wrong. Everything’s changed,†Sora said, without even looking at his friend. “What made you change your mind?†the blond asked. If the dialogue ends with a period, it should close with a comma instead, and the word after it (like 'he', 'the', etc.) should be lower-cased (not names though). Also try to make it move just a tiny bit faster, to keep readers' interested hooked better. Otherwise, great job! :) Keep it up! I just hope I'll have the time to read all 50 chapters. :sweatdrop: