Hmm...I suppose...Japan, but then again, I wouldn't be able to speak their language well so then...somewhere else in the United States...or Australia! Where all my buddies are! :D lol
Hmm...some cookie balls covered with peanuts, and well...yeah. XP The Christmas meal varies sometimes...
I don't know you as well, but it's still sad to see someone go...I hope you return...there's plenty of people who will miss I hope you return to bring happiness to their lives again...good bye...
Ohh, I remember RPing with's too bad you're leaving...but hey, as long as you come back! Enjoy yourself! :) :glomp:
Since you know the drill...welcome! :D Need anything pm me, or the staff! Enjoy yourself here! :) :glomp:
Since you know the drill...welcome! :D Need anything pm me, or the staff! Enjoy yourself here! :) :glomp: And I'll be checking out your dA soon~
Since you probably know the drill by now...welcome! :D Need anything, pm me or the staff! Enjoy yourself here!! :glomp:
Thanks so much! :) :glomp:
Ooh...very intriguing...I can't wait to see what happens next!!
Yep. Eastercat and my journals are connected! XD Anyway, know I think this is awesome~
lol Thanks soo much!! :D :glomp:
Wow, this is good..very intriguing...keep it up! :)
Interesting story...but like Orange said, be sure to keep an eye on grammar and spelling (especially making sure to put a comma after the dialouge if it ends with a period), but otherwise, good job. :)
Pretty good...all lower-cased makes it a unique sort of poem, but 'darkness' would sound better than 'black', giving a clearer meaning...but otherwise, great job, very deep. :)
Hmm...I would assume around his age, he would reach puberty. I'm not exactly an expert of male puberty so I can't tell exactly...but it would seem like so.
Uh...thanks everyone. :)
Larxene hesitated for a moment, before shaking her head. "I can make it," she said, stiffly. Without a second glance at him, she stood, walking across the room towards the door. Turning the knob and opening it, she closed it silently shut behind her.
For a moment, Zexion was silent, before chuckling, shaking his head, saying, "Think what you want then..." As he began to turn his attention back to Vexen, he cast one last glance at her, murmuring, loud enough for the Savage Nymph to hear, "'re quite intriguing actually..."
OOC: Uh, ask TwilightNight...I'm a bit clueless. XDD Larxene listened as Axel spoke, without once interrupting, just sitting there, staring into his face stoically. When he tilted his head down, she frowned, but still did not speak. When he finished, she closed her eyes, before re-opening them once more. There was a heavy tension in the air, so think, she could practically feel it on her skin. At last, she spoke, in a low, controlled voice, "I need to be alone right now...Axel..."