Wow, that trading set looks pretty cool...though I probably won't get it, it still looks awesome. XD
Hmm...I suppose the flashbacks so happened to go the time when Riku was getting/holding a log for some reason...either for a raft or something else...
Oh, I've noticed the second one but the chicken bucket...I have to spot that out now. XDD
Looking back at Demyx, Larxene placed her hand on her hip and asked, "So Demyx...where are we now in this crazy mansion?"
"Oh, of course I won't hurt you, Demyx..." Larxene soothed. "And not even to, Saix..." She took her hand off his shoulder, turning to the Luna Diviner. "So no worries..." Although she smiled, her eyes glinted deviously...
"Yes...?" Larxene urged, leaning in closer to him, her voice still sweet and gentle, as was her expression.
Larxene frowned, before her lips quickly formed a smile. Placing a hand on Demyx's shoulder, she asked, sweetly, "What was that, hmm...?"
Ooh...great job...very intriguing, very funny, awesome job! :)
All humans sin, so thus, everyone is guilty of at least something. However, whether they feel guilty...there's a possiblity they may not. Nonetheless, they would always be in the wrong for at least one thing, no matter what they feel about it or not...all humans are corrupted with a seed of evil, so thus, everyone is guilty of at least one thing.
I have always hated how animals are treated...I sometimes don't want to eat meat because of that...however, there are certain qualities and such inside of meat that would give you nutrients otherwise not found (unless in pills...which isn't exactly as well as meat). However, finding a place where the meat that's sold came from animals treated well is possible, at least I believe I heard of some... So basically, it would be more compassionate, right, to buy meat where the animals aren't mistreated, although sometimes, you just have to eat what you have...since your body requires those just depends on your choice...on what you want to do or not...I believe that abusing animals should be stopped however, and there ought to be something done to stop them, which there should be some people trying already at least...
Larxene slowly moved to a standing position, stiffening. "Yeah," she said, dryly. OOC: Okay!
Aww, that's so cute...good job with using Paint...:)
Hmm...The Harrowing Eclipse. XP I think it sounds very anime-ish. lol
Hmm... Tokyo Mew Mew: Action/romance/adventure/magical girl Yu-gi-oh: Action/adventure/tinge of romance Shaman King: Action/adventure Ranma 1/2: Comedy/action/romance/adventure DN Angel: Romance/action
"Hey, you don't have to keep carrying me Saix..." Larxene said, crossing her arms as she sighed, irritably. "I walk fine myself..."
I read part of the first book, but I lost interest and stopped just didn't move fast enough for my taste...but then again, my attention span is very short. XD
Ooh...that actually sounds interesting...but I really don't know if I have time for watching movies anymore...
Thanks! :)
Skies of Arcadia It's like a different version of Columbia and such...and it helped me somewhat. XDD
I haven't bought it...but I watched someone play it at a friend's actually seems very intriguing...and the story, it's so awesome...and the gameplay seems cool...I might buy it if my parents let me...