These are some good ones!
I thought I saw a Soviet Russia joke coming...
Wow, you sound like a racist to me sir..."don't put any money into that S-hole" really? really? Is that really the answer. And never have I ever read any scientific evidence where people are homosexual from birth. It's just like the cheating jean. They both have such horrible evidence that I have to decide for myself that it's a poor attempt by scientists to try to explain something that they don't have proper research on. I have nothing against homosexuals, but hating Africa just because they kill homosexuals is just outrageous. They do that in the Middle East and hate crimes are STILL committed here too! And they get away with it! 10 years in jail is NOT proper punishment for murder. So you mind as well hate the US too. Also comparing the civil rights struggle for justice to gay rights is just completely ridiculous! You can clearly tell if someone is Black. Back in 1940, if you had a little bit of color, they considered you black and treated you like dirt. You can't tell someone is gay unless they tell you, or they show gay mannerisms, and then you still don't really know. Comparing the two really angers me, because it's a choice to be gay, you aren't born that way. You're born black whether you like it or not. You can't switch over without bleaching your skin (which is proven to cause cancer). So don't feed me this bull that gay people are born that way, because there is no proper amount of evidence to support it.
original article: So I was one of the people that got my yearbook before they recalled them. I like my school, so I turned it back in. (they were also handing out $10 for people that did). So now I'm wondering if I did the right thing. Obviously someone tipped off the local newspaper and it kinda spread around the area. I'm really disappointed in the yearbook teacher. She should have looked over it before they sent it to print. Now the whole school has to wait 2 weeks for our yearbooks.(school ends in 3 weeks) anyway, thoughts?
So we've been watching Hotel Rwanda at school, and I must say, I'm very disappointed in the WHOLE world for not stepping up and helping them in time. They knew what was happening, and yet it took the lives of 800,000 Rwandans to see that? That's INSANE!!! Then that line in the movie where the soldier told Paul that the rest of the world didn't care because "he wasn't even a n_____, he was an African." That's ridiculously stupid! And apparently the freaking conflict hasn't been resolved yet! The Tutsis had to flee to a bordering country! They can't go back home without fearing for they're lives!!! And what's worse? ALL of Africa is a mess! The whole continent was ravaged by Europe and the U.S. for it's materials, carved up, and left to rot! I'm so freaking mad right now! The people eventually have to rise up and take down all of the rebels that caused this mess. Then it's going to take years to actually rebuild the country. UGH I'M SO MAD!!!! this is just a big fat example of "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." (btw Rwandan Genocide - 1994)
yes and pics please
hahaha plot twist
Is freakish....
Get a job...a real one
1 ................................................
I hope that's not what I think it is....
ohhhhh now I remember where I heard it from...
Mixing of strange people
Not too weird... This is though....
You'll have to get past the alarm first....
Now my childhood is ruined....
I think your schizophrenic. That, or you really don't know how to write in English. It sounds like you put this girl through a lot by lying to her and making her think that she lied to you (If i'm correct). You need to move on. Be better to another girl. Obviously you put this one through a nightmare. and what the heck is this, oxymoron much? You talk to her. It's up to the person that made the mistake to apologize, not some random people you meet on a forum. Oh, and yes please, go get therapy. None of us here on the forum are certified in psychology.....
That's tragic, sounds like your "friends" are the ones at fault here. You might want to get some new friends to hang out with, or hang out by yourself. It doesn't seem ideal, but if that's the way everyone at your school is going to treat you then... Also, you can always go tell her the truth. You didn't spread the rumors, so you shouldn't be afraid to defend yourself to the girl you like. If she doesn't believe you, then obviously, she's not worth your time anyway. Anyone who would believe rumors instead of coming to the source is definitely not good enough for you.
That's what happens when you mysteriously drop off of the earths surface