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  1. ♥AL90♥
    What the...?
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. ♥AL90♥
    Work at McDonalds
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. ♥AL90♥
    Pikachu scared me O.o
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. ♥AL90♥
    Ooooooh Ooooooooh!
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. ♥AL90♥


    As if cows could reach their utters...
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. ♥AL90♥
    that's not as creepy as I imagined

    I thought she was looking through his bedroom window at 8:00 at night watching him undress....or something like that
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. ♥AL90♥
  8. ♥AL90♥
    I don't necessarily approve of internet dating (yeah, I'm old school) but it's kind of "whatever works for you, go with it" type of thing. If you like dating people over the internet and it works, then go ahead. But if you happen to find that dating people offline works better for you, then that's good to.

    Personally for me, it's better that I see the person in real life because I can't read emotions over IM. Also there are certain mannerism that I find annoying that you have to meet the person to find out about.
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  9. ♥AL90♥
    1. you can walk
    2. you can think
    3. you can problem solve (i hope)
    4. you have a home (whether it's full of people who love you or not)
    5. you've actually had a girlfriend (it's better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all)

    But one thing I would like to point out is that while marijuana does give you a good feeling and a high sensation, you have to come back down to earth and face your problems. It is, of course, highly addictive. which is why quitting seems almost impossible when you start it. But I highly suggest quitting smoking. Getting your whole family into it would definitely help, (because seeing someone smoke when you're sober is probably torture).

    The fact is that smoking weed kills brain cells that you need to use in school so you can get your high school diploma and, if you want, go to college and get a really nice job with high pay so you can have a better life. If your parents don't want to quit (because they've been doing it for a very very long time) I highly suggest you stay away from drugs

    Also, with your problems with friends, it's all about how you talk to people. At the beginning of the school year look around for someone you think you might be able to be good friends with (look at how they dress, who they hang around with, how talkative they are, all of these things can be indicated without being a stalker by the way). And then go talk to that person. Make small talk and be polite when they tell you stories or little pieces of information.

    By the end of the day you've made an acquaintance and by the end of the week, maybe even a friend.
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  10. ♥AL90♥
    It's really hard to find out who you are. I'm still wondering myself, although I'm not very old right now either. But there are some ways that you can find out what you're like.

    You can find out what your emotional pattern is just by how you react to people.

    Like for example, If someone is talking about something and you just have to interject into the conversation. whether relevant or not, you are probably a talkative person with poor conversation etiquette.

    If you always think before you talk and because of that, almost never get a word in a conversation, then you're probably kind with a reserved demeanor.

    Also, if you are annoyed by what the general population talks about, you're probably anti-social.

    Eventually, you notice things like that and if you don't like your attitude, you change it.
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  11. ♥AL90♥
    Two words: Self control.

    Playing a video game is a great idea when it's rainy outside, but if you play it regardless of whatever weather there is, that is when problems arise.

    It also has to do with the fact that if kids and teens don't have an electronic device in their hand almost every minute of the day, they can't sit still.

    There are so many other forms of entertainment besides TV and video games and computers. Like reading a book, going to see a play, riding a bike or a skateboard, playing a sport, or just taking a walk.

    Unfortunately, parents can't always be there for their kids and they get wrapped up in certain things that aren't particularly good for them, like certain addictions such as this one.

    The blame goes to the people spending large amounts of time playing video games. Most of them know its bad for them, but they just can't stop. Learning moderation could have helped avoid this. People just take things to the extreme sometimes.
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 4, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  12. ♥AL90♥
    ....what would possess you to do this? public?
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. ♥AL90♥
    So I found this article on the film based on the Nickelodeon's Avatar, the last airbender.

    It pertains to the fact that in the movie, the main characters aren't the same skin color/race as the main characters from the show.

    Personally, I dislike the fact that the characters barely resemble the main characters of the show.

    Aang- he looks too sad/serious to be the aang from the show I saw, also, his arrow is just a bunch of scribbles, it's supposed to be solid. At least he looks 12 though...

    Katara- She's not dark enough at all, her voice sounds similar to the voice actor at least

    Sokka- He's not dark enough, but his face looks a little like the character design. I haven't heard his voice

    Zuko- His skin color is okay, but his eye is not nearly burnt enough. In the show, it took up a large portion of the right side of his face, but in the movie it looks like he has a black eye.

    Most of the characters aren't dark enough. Come on people, is it really too hard to tan the actors?

    So what do you think? Is it okay for the main characters not to resemble the originals? Or is it ridiculous?
    Thread by: ♥AL90♥, May 31, 2010, 22 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  14. ♥AL90♥
    "We're not a gang, they're just posers, we're a family because we go to each other with our problems." ....Well okay...they're off the intelligent list...
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, May 30, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. ♥AL90♥
    just throw it away...and how are you posting if you're outside?
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, May 30, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. ♥AL90♥
    The ending......XD
    Thread by: ♥AL90♥, May 29, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. ♥AL90♥
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, May 28, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. ♥AL90♥
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, May 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. ♥AL90♥
    He's all yours

    Thread by: ♥AL90♥, May 26, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. ♥AL90♥
    I remember that film. They played it all day everyday on Cartoon Network on the 4th of July
    Post by: ♥AL90♥, May 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone