I wonder who wrote this.... Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Night_Shyamalan Anyone see "The Last Airbender" yet?
The curse of summer...
The Brooklyn ki-
Final verdict: Overreaction BUT companies should take notice to be careful when using the word black or white in certain things. It can cause racially sensitive groups to overreact.
Yes, God help you all, because I almost hit everything on the way home from the DMV.
[with an adult 21 or older between the hours of 4am and 11:59pm]
With her real voice?
Congratulations KHV, you have introduced me to yet another thing I have never heard of.
What do we do there?
don't forget the noodles. They're evil and drugged
This is my favorite pun!
The Brooklyn kind?
Make your own entertainment! I'm not you're personal dancing monkey!
He sold the rights to me. So I'll see all of you in court.
I have the Mario Kart version of this disease
It only explains half....
You're so hillarious