It's unfortunate that we can't trust everyone, but technically it's their decision. You give them the money earnestly, and they do what they will with it. If they need it for a ride to a homeless shelter, then that's great! If they use it to buy drugs then that's their decision. We really shouldn't assume that every homeless person will abuse the money that's given to them. That's just rude. If you were homeless and people offered you either nothing because you looked suspicious then how would you feel?
Toy Story 3 was amazingly insane. Those are the only words to describe it! A wonderfully airtight ending! Everything seems to be solved! One of the best endings ever. I cried 2 or 3 times! Pixar said that they don't have any plans a for Toy Story 4 and that Toy Story 3 was the planned ending.
get with the's "that's what she said" now...
why is "tree" an element?
she still has Disney Princesses on her wall?
It's like playdoh. it smells so good...and then you eat it and... but in all seriousness they made it into perfume/cologne Spoiler
No, actually that's what I though it meant...
He forgot the password a site that he was a staff member on? GENIUS!!!
now make Microsoft Sam say it!
you need moar STARBUCKS!!! Spoiler it's caffeine free so it won't make you feel awake and jittery!... .....o wait
My issue with this whole thing is that the wildlife (that are minding they're own business) are being harmed by this whole spill. Not only is the ocean being polluted with trash and plastic (that is non-biodegradable), there's also millions of barrels of oil spilling into the ocean from the ocean floor. The worst part is, they threw so much of the dispersant chemicals on top of the oil that it actually made the oil stay suspended in the water, so you can't even see how much oil is floating around. Sure there are coastal volunteers that clean animals, but I heard on the news today that they're only able to save about 1/6 of the animals drowning in the oil. Now, everyone's ready to point the finger at whoever they can to make them receive all the blame, when what all everyone wants and needs is someone to help come up with solutions. I don't care who did it! All I want is it to stop! Right now, they're so desperate to stop the flow that they had a plan to shoot junk at it in hopes to plug the hole. Locals are really feeling the effects of living around the oil too. People are actually getting sick from breathing in the chemicals from the oil in the water. I heard from CNN that the oil is somehow moving inland (I don't know how that's possible) It's a wonder this will ever be solved. But there's one thing that's for sure, if everyone doesn't stop criticizing and take action, then the Gulf of Mexico will be ruined forever, and while we may be able to clean most of it, unfortunately there will be remnants for years to come.
The Secret: Spoiler peel n' stick
because it's just a silly man being ignorant and making all Christians look like ignorant right wing idiots. ...also it's disgusting to even hear the concept of eating poop.
Why does everyone think this is funny?
I would float to the moon, because if you've missed the ground then obviously gravity is jacked up.
...maybe they shouldn't give him a knife...