The glass is going to have a midlife crisis
thanks guys, i feel better about my chin. I guess I just have to get used to it lol
A couple of months ago when I looked in the mirror, my chin was rounded at the end. A month ago I looked in the mirror only to find that there was an indentation on my chin. I checked the internet to see what it was and why it suddenly appeared there and it said that it's called a cleft chin and it's basically in your genes. Then it went on to list famous people with cleft chins.... and what I realized was that most of them were guys. Since I'm a girl, I have a very large issue with this. I really hate my chin right now and I'm trying my best to love what I have, but it makes my face look...well...weird. I don't know how to deal with this either and I hate how this just magically appeared. Any advice?
This is why i hate love everything.
is everyone just looking at the title and not the question at hand?
Why you ask? because [no i really don't hate everything. I just needed your attention. and now a more important question...] [why is the cake a lie?]
[YOU LOOK LIKE A CHEESE NIP!!!!] [iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii]
....wait what?
when did you get back?
everything..if you want to live
Someone's attached...
I think they're trying to build a stronger cap or they're going to try and seal it with mud or something
about everything? I think that a major problem that isn't being addressed is the fact that people have this attitude where "if it's not happening to me, then I don't have to care." and personally, I find that disgusting. So, what would happen if everyone lost some of their apathy and gained some sympathy? Is this even possible and or plausible? thoughts?
look at wikipedia durr hurr
If you went to an amusement park...what's the first ride you would try to go on?
because his power level is over 9000
^ this member's mind is in the gutter^
bestiality!! [the picture DPWolf posted] it burns [my eyes!!!] edit: happy?