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  1. venster
    Thread by: venster, Apr 1, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. venster
    avi: 7/10
    Post by: venster, Mar 31, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  3. venster


    Post by: venster, Mar 31, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. venster

    is this still going on?
    Post by: venster, Mar 31, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. venster
    I say legalize it.
    -When something is legalized, people tend not do it as much. Just look at prohibition during America's 1920s. People were drinking like crazy, just the thrill of being "bad."
    -More money is being put in to circulation and taxes can be utilized to take advantage
    -Open a cafe next to a place where they sell majiuana = BIG BUCKS
    -There would be rules about how it's distributed.
    -More room for the more dangerous criminals in jails.
    -No reports of death from marijuana. It takes 800 constant joints in a row to overdose......
    -If cigs are legalized, why not marijuana
    Post by: venster, Mar 30, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  6. venster
    avi:8/10 wheeeeeee
    sig:6/10 LOVE THAT EP
    Post by: venster, Mar 30, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  7. venster
    6/10 for avi
    9/10 for sig
    Post by: venster, Mar 30, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  8. venster
    lol, I've never heard of someone being scared of cloud mufasa before. xD

    I was terrified of Mr. Filch in the Harry Potter Sorcerer's Stone PC game. You have to sneak around him....

    go to..... :57-:59 you can hear him picture that saying "come out come out wherever you aaarrreeee" and it comes out RANDOMLY. SO CREEPY

    Post by: venster, Mar 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. venster
    creepy O-o

    avi: 4/10
    sig: 3/10
    Post by: venster, Mar 28, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  10. venster
    I'm not 100% sure how to make depth..... I did lower down the brightness... Added orange over the orange eye guy


    CnC still?
    Post by: venster, Mar 28, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. venster
    Yeah, I've watched it. yeah, I got terrified.
    Post by: venster, Mar 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. venster
    1:Kairi was maybe parted and ended up at Destiny Island. That's why she was found at the beach of Destiny Island.
    2:Maybe she kinda forgot? that's what I would think.
    3:I say the grandmother died....
    4: Parents were killed.
    Post by: venster, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. venster
  14. venster

    Wow, looking really pretty <3


    Can I steal that?
    Post by: venster, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. venster

    Is it bad?

    I agree with you there. I just can't get hooked on it
    Post by: venster, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. venster

    Is it bad?

    that I never beat a final fantasy game?
    Thread by: venster, Mar 26, 2011, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. venster
    Well, I only have this one right now (which is my avatar.)
    v1. [​IMG]

    V.2 has bits of orange to work with the Portal theme
    original image:


    V.3 [​IMG]
    Thread by: venster, Mar 26, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. venster
    I don't think you should close this thread. It seems more like a "What's your opinion" thread right now.

    Opinion: I thought this was a great game and was worth the money and time. Sure, it didn't impact the story very much, but it sure sent out a spark of excitement. The game play was similar to BBS and I am so happy about that, cause I really hated how magic worked in 358/2 days. Then there were the little gimmicks like 2d gameplay...sure was interesting, just to say the least.

    I kinda regret not actually buying the game.
    Post by: venster, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. venster
    wasn't exactly saying to use the $150 for a gf. lawls.
    Post by: venster, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. venster

    FiREFOX 4

    huh, never noticed this update lols. Is it just me or are browsers looking more like Chrome now. xD The loading bar appears on the bottom already when you're going to another page...though I guess that it doesn't show it's progress, but at least you know it's going.
    Post by: venster, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone